
Jul 13, 2009 23:30

Moving: completely fucking exhausting, actually. Also kind of awesome and exciting. But mostly exhausting. I'm...mostly unpacked, except for some bric-a-brac and then some books and all my DVDs. Books because I'm one bookcase short, DVDs because I have probably well over a hundred by now and nowhere to PUT them. New!roomie was all, "hey, there's an extra basket under the coffee table, use that!" To which I thought, ", you really don't understand." Because I am the sort of person who alphabetizes my books by author, then by title, unless it's a series and then in proper order (seriously, it's like I'm secretly a library), and I am very attached to my DVD collection and like being able to find exactly what I'm looking for when I want it, and I just like LOOKING at my DVDs. Seriously. It makes me happy. I am not going to dump 100-odd DVDs into a basket under a table. That would be...chaos. Or something.


All of my new Ikea furniture is built and all of my posters are hung and all of my kitchenware is stored and groceries bought and all my clothes are in drawers or on hangers, and THAT, my friends, is a day well spent.

While unemployment is not a viable long-term option, I definitely needed the time off right now. I'm just going to pretend it's a vacation instead of, y'know, that. But I have to light design & board op a show this week (WOW I should start thinking about that), so it's not like I'm not keeping busy anyway, and they ARE paying me for it...

I'm going to collapse now. And SLEEP IN tomorrow OMG. (Today I was up at 7am. I haven't gotten more than five hours of sleep per night since, um, sometime last week. I'm kind of tired.)

roommates, adventures in dc, all growed up

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