real life: insert sledgehammer here

Jul 12, 2009 00:08

OH RIGHT, on top of losing my shit over Torchwood as you may have noticed, real life has been particularly whammy this week. I made it to the final round of interviews for a nifty job with a Very Serious Arts Organization, which means I have an exactly 1 in 3 chance of getting it (NOT GOOD ENOUGH ODDS), my year-long job of decent work but shitty managers ended Friday, the show I've been stage managing just closed tonight, I am moving across town to Arlington TOMORROW and have only sort of made a dent in my packing, and starting Monday I will officially be 1. a resident of the state of Virginia WTF I am a YANKEE what am I THINKING and 2. UNEMPLOYED. Except for a few lighting gigs, which combined with the stage management paycheck will at least get me through a month's rent.

Also some personal stuff thrown in there as well, but that's another thing.


So...yeah. Just to keep y'all in the loop. (I can say y'all with impunity now, I am going to be SOUTHERN. Virginia! Seriously! What the hell! Why am I so drawn to NoVa, it does not jive with my general sense of self AT ALL, and yet.)

woe is me, adventures in dc, all growed up

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