Oct 18, 2008 21:19
I made the mistake of reading one too many Doctor/Rose/Jack fics tonight, and decided I needed a proper Jack Harkness fix. I'm about ten or so episodes away from his return to Who, so instead of doing the logical thing and rewatching "Parting of the Ways" or somesuch, I conceded defeat and downloaded the Torchwood pilot.
Oh, my god, I'd heard it said before but it is so true: the Torchwood team is too stupid to live. OH MY GOD. Thanks to fandom osmosis, I already know and at least vaguely care about all the main characters, and my love for Jack Harkness knows no bounds, which is good because who the hell is writing this thing? Russell T Davies, what the hell, man. I mean, nothing wrong with most of the dialogue, and I quite like Gwen, but dear god we have some serious plot issues. This show makes no sense. How have these people not been killed a hundred times over by their own idiocy already? (Oh, wait, because Jack can't die.) And I'm sorry, the whole wrap-up with Susie was really dumb and not well established at all, and no one even seemed to care about her in the first place! And the last few minutes with Jack and Gwen on the roof -- that dialogue was painful to listen to. (Not to mention, wtf with Jack's newfound standing-dramatically-on-roofs fetish?)
I hear the show starts getting better later on in the first season, and then improves dramatically in the second. Which is good, because I'm already doomed to watch the whole damn thing just because of my stupid, stupid love for Jack, so it's some comfort to know I won't be shouting WHY ARE YOU SO DUMB at the screen all the time.
(Mostly, I just want to match up the timelines between the two shows -- so, get to the end of the first season or Torchwood and the Jack episodes of series 3 Who at about the same time, match up "End of Days" with the end of series 4 Who, etc. The Canary Wharf references in the Torchwood pilot already made me wibble a lot. Maybe I'll alternate episodes? That could work.)
fandom: doctor who,
fandom: torchwood