and collapse.

Nov 23, 2007 21:29

So, back in Chicago now. Was at parents' for almost exactly 24 hours -- I feel like I've spent more time in transit (train, airport, plane, airport, plane, car and then again in reverse) than at home. Which is probably an exaggeration, but whatever. Haven't gotten much sleep in the past two days. Thanksgiving was nice, only eleven of us this year (my dad's family is made of huge), although that still meant a full house, so I had to sleep on the couch. Just kind of reinforces how little either of my parents' places feel like "home" anymore. But it was good to hang out with my cousins and their girlfriends.

Also, first big family shindig since I started my diet-type thing, and it was interesting to realize how much my eating habits really are changing. I wasn't restraining myself at all, but I took way smaller portions than anyone else, and stopped eating when I wasn't hungry anymore, and didn't get seconds of anything. A year ago, I would've stuffed myself to bursting. It felt way more satisfying this way, oddly enough. Eh, whatever.

And one of my flights tonight had to make an emergency landing! Very exciting, in the I-wonder-if-I'm-going-to-die-today sort of way. It wasn't all that serious, really, but I've been flying since before I could walk and I'm fairly certain this is the first flight I've been on that had an actual honest-to-goodness emergency situation. The flaps malfunctioned, so there was no help reducing speed on landing, so the plane had to circle gradually lower and lower and eventually just hit the ground running, basically, and took a very, very long time to finally come to a stop. There were fire trucks waiting for us and everything, though fortunately they weren't needed. Not too scary, as emergencies go, but hey, still counts.

I've got work tomorrow, and I'm dead exhausted, so I'm probably gonna crash as soon as I finish catching up on the f-list. Happy belated turkey day!

family, technical difficulties

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