productivity, of a sort

Aug 27, 2007 23:57

My imminent move is starting to do that ominous looming thing. I've ordered some furniture from Ikea, which should hopefully get to the new place sometime next week, and I'm starting to make arrangements with a couple of friends with vehicles to help me out a bit. Today I sorted through my clothes and decided which malingering items needed tossing and a few things I might donate to the Salvation Army or somesuch. And I packed a box. I'd forgotten how bloody heavy books are when you put a lot of them in one box. I'm trying to divvy it up a bit, doing boxes half-full of books and half with clothing to make them more transportable, but I am still living here for another week so there's only so much packing I can do at this point. Next week is going to be positively hellish.

Thanks to my writing resolution, I'm exactly halfway through the Remus fic, according to my scene outline. It's at about 5000 words so far. It'd be nice to finish it this week, but we'll see. I've also got a House fic I'd like to finish before the next season starts, and an xmmficathon fic that's due 9/15 that I'm kind of lacking any plotbunnies for right now. Er. Well, these things always do seem to work themselves out somehow. I've found last minute panic to be a great source of inspiration.

Sorry, this entry is deadly dull, isn't it? Sometimes I just need to set things down, even if no one but me cares to read them.

ficcishness, all growed up

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