
Aug 22, 2007 03:00

I keep sort of poking around IJ and GJ, but I really can't stand their general site layouts, and I don't like my customization options at all. GJ is slightly more tolerable than IJ overall, but both are really uninspiring. And honestly, I don't see why either are any "safer" than LJ for fandom. They just haven't kerfluffled yet. Meh, I say. I'm waiting to see if fandom actually shifts over, and where it all falls out if it does. In the meantime, while I don't like 6A very much at all, I'm still far too invested in LJ to leave.

Wrote 1080 words of Remus fic today, two new scenes. Which means I'm...1/6 of the way through what I've plotted out. Well, it's progress.

lj metaness

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