My uncle and cousins are visiting from Kansas City, and they came yesterday to see the condo. Just before they arrived, I decided to quickly take Chloe out so that I wouldn't have to while they were here. As we walked down the front steps, something spooked her, she ran into me, and I stepped sideways off the step into the grass and rolled my foot. I shook it out, limped while the dog did her thing, and then my uncle called to say they were here.
We chatted, walked over for sushi, came back and spent a couple hours catching up, and then they left. The whole time, my foot was kind of throbbing, but I ignored it in favor of paying attention to my cousins.
By about 10:00, I was on the couch with ice, mostly unable to move my little toes, and the throbbing was getting worse. I started thinking of all the things I have to do in the next few days and, looking back on Akarui's broken foot a year and a half ago, I decided to go have X-rays taken.
Everyone at the hospital kept wanting it to be my ankle I'd hurt. They'd put the ice bags on my ankle (which I'd then move down to my foot), poke around in my ankle, and it wasn't my ankle. Two hours later, and my foot's not broken (thank goodness!) but sprained. I'm to take Advil, keep it elevated and wrapped in an Ace bandage as much as possible for the next few days, and in three to six weeks, I'll be good as new.
So I can go meet my cousins in Beverly Hills for the younger one's 16th birthday lunch, which is good. And I can do my last training audit tomorrow before I'm on my own, and I can do everything I was planning on doing with
soulescaping next weekend, so it turned out alright. I guess all's well that ends well. *g*
Also notable: Chloe's learning to fetch! Last night we were throwing her rope toy and she was running over and getting it and bringing it back! Sometimes it took a little encouragement to complete the process, but she was so happy about it. Hee!