The Other Side - Ch. 9

Oct 18, 2011 23:23

Title: The Other Side - Ch.9
Author: kaybee38
Word Count: 2307
Rating: R
Pairings: Minho/Onew, ninja!JongKey, Cousin!Taemin
Genre:vampire, fantasy, sci-fi, character death
Disclaimer: SHinee is owned by SM Entertainment only

Summary: Minho’s a vampire, Key’s a shapeshifter, Jjong is a werewolf and Taemin is a vampire hunter. Jinki is the mortal object of Minho’s affection, or is he? Only Taemin, (Jinki’s cousin) knows the truth.

A/N: Jinki and Taemin have a heart to heart. (This chapter is PG really) Thanks for being patient guys! This story is brought to you by this song.

[CH1]  [CH2]  [CH3] [CH4] [CH5] [CH6] [CH7] [CH8]

The Other Side - Ch. 9


“So you kill children now, Heechul?” Changmin asked after the Heechul lowered his weapon.

He’d never spoken much to the Lees, preferring to keep to himself mostly, but his heart almost broke when he saw the youngest boy cowering, holding his semi-conscious cousin in his arms protectively.

Taemin was too young to have seen so much.

“The older one was bitten more than once Shim. I’m just doing what needs to be done.” Heechul said waving his gun in Jinki’s direction.


Both men turned towards Taemin, now speaking slowly and determinedly.

“You said that he had to be bitten 3 times before he would change into a monster!”

“That’s right kid..but…”

“Well he wasn’t!” Taemin yelled.

“Look kid…” Heechul tried again.

Changmin had barely sheathed his bow before he had an armful of hysterical 9 year old crying uncontrollably.

“Please Mr. Shim! Tell him he’s not a monster!” Taemin cried, gesturing to the vampire hunter.

“He was only bitten twice, I swear. I saw it! Please tell him! Please!” Taemin sobbed.

Changmin’s heart did break then and he crouched down to pull the trembling boy into a gentle embrace.

“Shhh. It’s okay. Let me take a look at him okay?”

When Changmin pulled away there was blood all over his hands.

Taemin was bleeding from lacerations in his back from the broken glass of the window and didn’t even realize it. With a sigh, Changmin set Taemin on the edge of the bed who whimpered a bit as the adrenaline wore off and his wounds made themselves known and crouched down to check on Jinki who was moaning and delirious at this point.

“Oh. So you’ve gone from sorcerer to nursemaid now?”

Changmin ignored Heechul and took a handkerchief from his coat pocket using it to clean the blood from Jinki’s neck and inspect the 2 sets of puncture wounds right next to the boy’s carotid artery.

“Help me lift him.” Changmin said.

“Are you kidding me?” Still holding his weapon Heechul put both hands on his hips incredulous.

“The child is right, he was only bitten twice. He’s not turning. His own immune system is fighting the toxins coursing through his blood.” Changmin hefted Jinki up throwing one arm over his shoulder.

“He’s young and strong. With a little help, he’ll pull through.” Taemin saw Jinki manage a slight smile in his direction before he passed out.

Taemin woke to voices he didn’t know in a bed he didn’t recognize. He could tell by the warmth of the sun in the window that it was morning. He was laying on his stomach with something cool across his back. Fabric, probably bandages, criss-crossed his torso and the drying blood made them itch. When he tried to move, he stifled a whimper as pain webbed across his spine.

“Jinki?” Taemin called out quietly.

He could see his cousin lying in the bed across from his. He was sleeping quietly on his back. His breathing was no longer labored, but coming out in slow steady puffs, making the hair hanging in his face float in the air every so often. As Taemin’s eyes adjusted to the light, he could make out strange dark markings, like tatoos, drawn across Jinki’s, neck, arm and hands.


“He’s sleeping Taemin.” Taemin jumped in surprise, letting out another squeak of pain.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you.” Changmin said quietly, walking over to the side of Taemin’s bed. Unable to turn his head very far, Taemin could just make out markigs similiar to Jinki’s drawn across Mr. Shim’s hands as he bent down to ruffle his hair.

“Jinki will be fine. Just rest for now.”

“You’re not a babysitter.”

“No one asked you to stay.”

“He should be put down.”

“He’s not an animal, he’s a child!” Blue tinged magic swirled about Changmin’s fingers as he momentarily lost control of his temper.

“Look witch, I don’t have anything against the kid, but killing vampires is what I’m trained to do, and I’m telling you he’s gonna turn…into something and you’ll be calling me for help when he does!” Heechul hissed, poking Changmin in the chest with a forefinger for emphasis.

“I say we put him out of his misery now. You want a child so bad? Keep the younger one.”


Both men turned in shock to see Taemin standing unsteadily in the doorway, small hands gripped tightly into fists, brow furrowed, looking as menacing as an exhausted, injured 9 year old could possibly look.

“You can’t hurt him! Mr. Shim please!” Taemin looked at his neighbor pleadingly.

“You don’t get it kid.” Heechul said, crossing his arms and ankles, leaning against the desk in Changmin’s office.

“Your cousin’s as good as dead.”

Taemin lunged his little body at the vampire hunter then, hitting him and yelling every bad word his mother had ever threatened to wash his mouth out with soap for saying. Heechul quickly pushed Taemin off of him easily pinning the struggling boy’s arms with his own. Taemin almost fainted from the pain that shot up his back as tears streamed down his face then.

“Enough!” Changmin raised his voice. “Release him!”

Heechul rolled his eyes.

“Now.” Magic rippled down one arm to Changmin’s right hand.

Taemin stopped moving. Entranced by the blue glow of energy that danced between Changmin’s long fingers and sparking off of the rings of Changmin’s left hand.

“What-what are you?” Taemin asked quietly. Moving away from both men towards the room where Jinki still lay unconscious.

Changmin smiled at the boy.

“Do you like magic Taemin?”

Taemin nodded.

“Well, I’m a magician of sorts.” Chagmin said, and with that he pulled Taemin’s favorite toy bunny seemingly out of thin air and set it afloat in the air between them.

“Whoa…” Taemin said, wide-eyed.

“Cheap parlour tricks.” Heechul said under his breath cleaning his nails with a letter opener he’d snatched off of Changmin’s desk. Suddenly the hunter gasped, throwing both of his hands up in surrender as the sharp tool jumped from his hands and pointed at his chest, seemingly of its own volition.

Changmin narrowed his eyes at Heechul.

“You may leave now.”

Heechul grabbed his coat and weapons and stalked out of the office, but not before glaring back at Changmin.

Taemin was so transfixed by his floating stuffed animal that he almost missed the exchange.

“Now come here, and let me take another look at your back Taemin.” Changmin said gently.

Taemin took a few steps forward and the bunny dropped into his hands.

“Are you a doctor too?”

“Yes.” Changmin said with a smile. “I’m a magical doctor.” He then began the task of changing Taemin’s bandages.

“C-can you save my brother?” Taemin said twisting a bit uncomfortably so that he could see Changmin’s face.

“Yes I can. I can keep him from turning. But only with your help.”

Log entry 796317

The patient is 14 and an extremely good student. He is also one of the strongest on the Tae Kwon Do team at his school. His strong mind and body are probably what saved him from the vampire’s poison doing more permanent damage. After subduing the boy with acupressure, I administered a mild hemlock sedative in order to help him rest and herbs of rasberry, comfrey and garlic in order to strengthen his immune system and let it do most of the work for me. Fluids were administered, then I executed a supression spell in order to reverse the effects of the vampire toxin and lock it away in his blood stream. It is impossible to remove the toxin completely without draining the boy of too much blood, therefore I mixed the herbs with an anticoagulant and an animus binding spell into the ink of various tatau. By the time the patient wakes, the markings will have faded, and he will have no knowledge of their existence. I believe it best to perform a secondary binding spell in order to make sure that the vampire blood essence stay locked away within him. I will also perform a secondary memory spell just to be safe.

What the mind cannot see, the body will not acknowledge.

Changmin felt a sudden shift of energy in the house and rose from his desk in his study to greet his now waking patient. Jinki looked pale and tired, but very much alive and very much…human.

“Where am I?” Jinki asked, his voice raspy, his throat dry. “Where’s Taemin?”

Changmin smiled at the boys’ constant attentiveness to each other and nodded towards a small bench at the foot of the bed where Taemin was curled up fast asleep.

“He hasn’t left your side once except to use the facilities. I even had to bring his meals in here.”

Jinki glanced from Taemin to Changmin thoughtfully,

“Mr. Shim? What happened?”

“What do you remember exactly Jinki?”

Jinki started to speak, but it’s as if suddenly the thoughts he was trying to articulate slid away from his mind like ripples in a stream.

“I-I don’t exactly remember…I..why can’t I remember anything?”

“That’s ok Jinki. You’ve suffered a great deal of trauma.” Changmin said as he pretended to check Jinki’s throat glands, then long fingers snaked up to Jinki’s temples, applying pressure so that his eyes would stay open.

“You were in an…accident.” Changmin said, before he started to chant.

Jinki could have sworn he saw a flash of pale blue light in his periphery.

Present Day

“So mom and dad didn’t die in a car accident?” Jinki asked Taemin, who’d finished off his third beer, and was currently opening another while retelling Jinki the true story of how his family had died.

“Nope. It was vampires that killed them. Same as mine.”

Jinki took a second to think. So much had been revealed to him in such a short of time, and so much of his life, it seemed had been a lie. He choked out a laugh that sounded halfway to a sob then.

“So I’m some sort of daywalking vampire hybrid? Like Blade or something?”

Taemin shrugged, taking another swig.

“Dunno. You’ve never turned, but I’m guessing the voices that you hear in your head sometimes are their thoughts.Other vamps, I mean.”

Onew looked stunned then.


“Dunno. But you share some of their blood, so it’s not surprising.” Taemin said with another shrug of his bony shoulders.

Jinki stared at Taemin.

“So what about you?”

“Huh?” Taemin knew exactly what Jinki meant, and where the conversation was headed, as he pulled the bottle away from his lips for a moment watching Jinki.

Maybe his cousin would figure it out on his own.

“Don’t huh me. Explain those weapons you had on you tonight. Starting with that canon that you were pointing at Minho’s head.”

Taemin blinked.

“You know his name?”

“Of course I…” Jinki pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration.

“Taemin. Tell me the truth.”

“The truth is relative.”


“You won’t like it.”

“I don’t CARE!” Jinki yelled, and for an instant Taemin could have sworn Jinki’s irises lightened a bit from brown to almost a hazel-gold color.

The symptoms were appearing faster now.

“Ok Jinx. Calm down, I’ll tell you.”

Jinki slowly regained control of his breath, and let go of the death grip he had on the the comforter on either side of him.

“Thank you.”

“ Taemin slowly rose to his feet gathering the empty bottles of beer around him and looked Jinki directly in the eyes.

“I’m a hunter Jinx. A vampire hunter. Heechul and Shim trained me after Mr. Shim saved you and I’ve been killing vampires and protecting you from them ever since.” Jinki looked and felt, liked he’d been slapped with a two-by-four. Taemin turned then and started walking out the bedroom door.

“B-b-ut Tae. Wh-what if…”

Taemin stopped. He knew…he felt what the next question was.

“…What if I turned? What if one day, whatever Shim did wears off? What happens if I become a vampire?” Jinki whispered, almost too afraid to say the last word out loud.

Taemin’s back was to Jinki as he stared out into the darkness of the living room. His shoulders dropped a bit, before he spoke.

“I’d have to take you out Jinx. If you turn, my orders are to kill you.”

Taemin’s voice was so steady and Jinki’s brain was turned so far upside down that he didn’t see the tear that slowly trailed it’s way down the profile of Taemin’s pale cheek as he stood for a moment before walking out of the room.

Taemin swung a long leg over the side of the roof, straddling the edge at the corner. He took a long drag on a cigarella as he looked out over the city for a few minutes before fishing around his coat pocket for his phone. For the first time in 10 years, he had no idea what to do next.

“Hey Shim? It’s me Tae. Yeah. We have a problem.”

Jinki had been laying in bed staring at the ceiling for at least 3 hours, crying, laughing, talking to himself, trying to process everything that had happened, when he heard Taemin go out. Numb, he dragged himself out of bed to the kitchen to get a drink of water. He sat on the couch staring into the darkness when there was a knock at the door.

Jinki debated not answering it.

His cousin had confessed that he was prepared to kill him after all, and maybe living together wasn’t such a good idea anymore. Another impatient knock was heard and Jinki just shook his head and wondered if Taemin misplaced his weapons like he misplaced his keys.


Turning on a single table lamp, Jinki padded to the door, opening it quickly.

“I can’t believe you lost y-…”

Jinki lost his train of thought and his balance, as Minho lunged through the door, grabbed Jinki by the sides of his head with both hands and kissed him as if his life depended on it.

A/N:Sorry for taking so long guys! RL made my muse go away, but I eeked this out in between a packed schedule. Thank you so much to all of you who have written me with compliments and encouragement. It really means a lot *bows deeply*. for those of you who know me, you know I'm a Marvel nut. So Changmin is patterned after Dr. Stephen Strange,

These are examples of the Samaoan "tatau" or tatoos that Changmin mixed with magic and herbs and applied to Jinki's body. effectively sealing away his memories as well as he vampiric blood that runs through his veins. (Yes, that's the ROCK)

kaybee38, pairing: jonghyun/key, pairing: minho/onew, !fic: the other side, taemin, #rating: r, taemin's a pimp

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