The Other Side - Ch. 7

Aug 29, 2011 23:36

Title: The Other Side - Ch.7 Author: kaybee38
Word Count: 2870
Rating: R
Pairings: Minho/Onew, ninja!JongKey, Cousin!Taemin
Genre:vampire, fantasy, sci-fi, boyz kissin' and gropin'
Disclaimer: SHInee is owned by SM Entertainment only
Summary: Minho’s a vampire, Key’s a shapeshifter, Jjong is a werewolf and Taemin is a vampire hunter. Jinki is the mortal object of Minho’s affection, or is he? Only Taemin, (Jinki’s cousin) knows the truth.

A/N: Jinki scares Key, Minho finds Jinki, Taemin finds them all. This story is brought to you by this song.

[CH1]  [CH2]  [CH3] [CH4] [CH5] [CH6]

"The Other Side" - Ch. 7

Right after the meeting Taemin tried to call Jinki, but got no answer. He was about to send him a text when Heechul’s voice was right next to him.

“I need to speak with you.”

Taemin immediately closed his phone and followed the leader down a long paneled hallway into an elevator. The cedar paneling gave off a sweet scent as they rose to what appeared to be the top floor. Heechul didn’t say a word during their ascent. Instead he stared straight forward at the steel elevator doors, watching the young slayer in the polished metal’s reflection the entire time.

Taemin never had any reason to fear Heechul; however, he wasn’t head of the District’s slayer community by accident. Heechul always appeared friendly, yet spoke sternly to him. Taemin tried to contain his nervousness, but a subtle twitch in his hand gave him away.

“You’re not in trouble…yet.” Heechul said with a smirk.

“However, I will find a way to make your life miserable if you continue to come late to my meetings.”

“S-sorry sir.” Taemin stammered.

The young slayer let out a breath that he didn’t realize he was holding. They stepped out of the elevator into a gorgeous penthouse with floor to ceiling windows instead of walls on 3 sides. A couple of taps on Heechul’s ever present tablet, the room came to life in varying degrees of light, color and sound. Although the design revealed breathtaking views of the city, it made Taemin uneasy.

He felt like he was being watched.

“For Choi to be here in the flesh, as opposed to sending one of his minions means that he’s here for something or someone.” Heechul said almost to himself.

He tossed his sports coat onto a nearby black velvet chaise and headed off towards the bar in the corner of the room. The mirrored shelves along the wall were outfitted with so much cut crystal that as the angled recessed lighting bounced off of them the room was awash with prisms of light.

Heechul picked up an antique looking decanter and poured himself a splash of brandy in a snifter so large it was eerily reminiscent of a fishbowl Taemin had for two of his favorite angler fish as a child.

“How’s your cousin Jinki?”

The comment snatched Taemin from his thoughts so fast, he felt dizzy.

“He’s uh…he’s fine. Why do you ask?”

Sipping from the glass and staring out of the picture window into the night sky, Heechul observed Taemin’s reflection again and knew he was lying.

“I hope you know what you’re doing.”

“I do.”

“You can’t protect him forever you know.”

“I was too young, not strong enough to save him before. I am now. All of my training, everything that you’ve taught me is to protect him.” He said quietly.

Taemin’s iron mask was cracking, and he felt his palms heat with pain as he dug his blunt nails dug into his fists as a distraction.

“Yes, but for how long?”

Taemin knew that one day Jinki might lose control, he might remember and Taemin hadn’t quite come to grips with what that meant yet.

He didn’t want to.

Heechul remembered the day he met a blood-stained, frightened little boy who clung to his cousin’s prone form, sobbing. He remembered Changmin, his brother-in-arms begging him to help him save them both all those years ago. Taemin also reminded him of a younger version of himself. Willful, alone, scared, yet hiding his fear behind a mask of aloofness, carefully chiseled from years of leading a double-life.

“Something is happening Taemin, I can feel it.” Heechul said finally, turning to look at Taemin directly.

The manchild slayer didn’t raise his head.

“Stay close to him and report to me anything strange that happens with him or the Chois immediately. Do you understand?”

Taemin nodded.

“Yes sir. May I go now, sir?”

Heechul responded by turning back to the window, tossing one hand adorned with one obscenely large solitaire ruby ring over his shoulder in dismissal.

Taemin was 3 blocks away before he stopped running, ducked into an alley, wiped the tears from his face with the sleeve of his leather jacket and dialed Jinki’s number again.


Minho was going to kill Jonghyun.

Key wanted them both to stay at the loft for their own “safety”, but things were getting hairy. Lychans required a large caloric intake in order to keep up with their high metabolisms that maintained their shapeshifting abilities. This meant that Jonghyun must eat large quantities of food for energy, otherwise, he too, would have to kill humans to survive.

Having basically run out of food after the first 16 hours, Minho sighed as he watched his smaller roommate currently using the loft for parkour practice, singing at the top of his lungs, burning off the 4 cups of coffee, 10 Power Bars and 4 Red Bulls he had drank. Hungry, tired, and very aggravated, it didn’t take much for Minho to distract the hyperactive man, lock him in the bathroom and make a hasty retreat out the window onto the fire escape.

The wind felt wonderful on his skin, pulling through his hair, lifting his long duster behind him like a cape as he flew from rooftop to rooftop, only stopping occasionally to survey his surroundings for a potential meal.


Jinki pushed the now half empty tumbler of water at Key.


“No.” Key said as he grabbed a rag and wiped up the spilled contents of the glass.

“I said I’d pay! What’s ur problem?” Jinki was really staring to get annoyed.

“My problem is that you’ve had more than enough and I think it’s time for you to go.”

Key reached for Jinki’s glass, while he contemplated just how the object of Minho’s desire had somehow ended up in his establishment.

“Look. I’m fine. Really.”

Jinki’s phone rang again and bounced across the bar as it vibrated. He reached for the device, but his sodden reflexes were no match for Key’s.

“Hello? No wait. This is Jinki’s phone….Yes, he’s fine. But he’s quite drunk. Do you know where Keys is? Yep. He’ll be here. At the bar. Ok. Yeah.”


Taemin closed his phone confused, then a moment later his eyes widened as realization hit him. He took one full stride out of the alley before he was running through the streets, top speed, towards Keys like an escaped convict being chased by the authorities.

Minho walked the street sizing up people as they passed him by, but nothing looked appetizing. Three skinny drunk girls fell out of a bar as he walked by, one of them stumbling off the last step into his arms.

“S-s-sorry.” She said as she giggled, eyeing him appreciatively.

Minho grimaced at the quantity of alcohol on her breath and the lack of fat on her body. He could feel every one of her ribs through her thin dress and pushed her off of him in disgust. One of the girls’ friends cursed him out, but the way he glared at her, his eyes flashing their true nature for a moment made her shriek and run away terrified.

Just as he made the decision to try another one of Key’s “tonics” and head in the bar’s direction, Minho felt the heat of adrenaline of someone near him spike. A second later, a thin, hard body plowed into him almost knocking him off of his feet from behind.

When he rounded the corner, Taemin had too much momentum too slow down before he plowed into a tall lanky man who was blocking the sidewalk. As he turned to apologize, he noticed how pale the man was, and how cold his skin felt as it had brushed his in an attempt to stay upright and keep them both from tumbling.


“Excuse me.” Taemin said.

Minho’s stomach lurched, the boy smelled delicious. But as the vampire looked over his potential prey he saw something that almost made him lose his appetite altogether.

“No problem.” Minho responded. Slayer.

Taemin fingered the knife at his waistband as Minho eyed the insignia on the boy’s collar.

As soon as Minho recognized what the boy was, he was gone. Still in the middle of the sidewalk, people pushed their way around Minho as he watched a bright red tuft of hair bouncing along in the distance. It reminded him of someone.

It reminded him of Jinki.


“Who was that?” Jinki asked snatching his phone back from Key, wobbling off-balance on the stool for a moment.

“Your cousin Taemin. He’s coming to get you now.”

“Great! So just one more for the road then.” Jinki said tossing more money onto the bar, trying unsuccessfully to get to his feet without swaying.

“Nope.” Key said reaching for Jinki’s glass. “Like I said, you’re done.”

Key gave Jinki a cold glare with the unspoken tone that he was not playing.


If Key was stunned by the force with which Jinki grabbed his wrist, then he was practically apoplectic when he looked up into Jinki’s face. The man’s eyes had turned a metallic color, not gold, but not silver either, and it looked almost as if the bones in his face were shifting.

The tinkling sound of glass shattering on hardwood snapped them both out of it. Key was frightened as he looked back at Jinki, who’s face had returned to normal in an instant.

“What the fuck?” Key whispered, his legs shook as he backed away from the bar.

One minute Jinki felt hot with rage and more than a little drunk, and the next, he felt a horrible pain in his hand and lightheaded. Seeing the broken glass and realizing what had happened, Jinki immediately became flustered.

“I’m- I’m. Oh God, I’m so sorry. I’ll pay for it. I just ..I’m sorry.”

Key just nodded dumbly as Jinki suddenly jumped up, pulled the rest of the cash from his wallet, threw it on the bar and bolted out the door.


The slayer was fast, but Minho was faster and he reached the alley behind Keys before the boy did in anticipation of intercepting the slayer. The moment Minho entered the alley however, Minho’s senses were instantly overwhelmed with Jinki’s scent.

The scent of his blood.

Fearing the worst, Minho knocked over trashcans and and searched dumpsters and corners to see if the man was laying injured somewhere. As he ran up the alley towards the entrance, Jinki stumbled out the door on unsteady feet and right into his arms.

Minho was so overwhelmed with need, his body practically vibrated with desire.

“J-Jinki? Jinki are you alright?” Minho said once he remembered how to speak.

“M-Minho?” Jinki’s face was buried in Minho’s shoulder as he tried to figure out where he was, and why Minho is there.

God he smells good. I must be dreaming again.

Jinki swayed on his feet as he pulled back and looked into Minho’s eyes, grinning brightly up at him.

“Hey! What are you doing here?”

The ringing in Minho’s ears wouldn’t stop but he regained his sanity long enough to begin checking Jinki over for wounds. Jinki shivered as Minho’s hands romaed his body, trying to pull his shirt open, feeling his ribs, touching his face. He closed his eyes and leaned into Minho’s touch.

Minho almost ravaged him right then and there.

Every cell in his body was on fire, his pupils were dilated, his breath was becoming shorter, it was all he could do to form a logical sentence.

“Jinki where are you hurt? I smelled blood. What happen-“

“You smelled me?”

Minho’s eyes went round as a frog’s as he realized that he’d just outed himself to the object of his affections. He gripped tightly onto the last thread of self control that he had as Jinki licked his drying lips and narrowed his eyes searching Minho’s face for an explanation.

All the smitten vampire could do was nod.

Jinki slowly raised his bloody hand to Minho’s plump lips, and dragged his fingers across them, which effectively shorted out the taller man’s brain. Minho could actually hear that thread snapping as his eyes rolled back in his head from the mixture of sensations. Instantly, Jinki was suddenly hit with the feeling of raw need that was emanating from the vampire holding him.

Before he could blink, Minho had him slammed up against the side of the brick building, his lips pressed into the space between Jinki’s ear and his collar bone. Their thighs tangled as they each fought for dominance. Jinki moaned and relented when Minho’s leg finally made contact with his crotch. The sound hit Minho like a sonic boom, reverberating through Minho’s body right down his spine to his feet. Minho painfully forced his fangs back in as he lifted his head to kiss Jinki.

Jinki thought he’d died and gone to heaven when Minho began sucking on his bottom lip. Minho couldn’t seem to press himself close enough to Jinki and all Jinki wanted to do was kiss the man until he could no longer breathe.

Jinki’s hands grasped at the taller mans shirt, gripping it so tightly he popped a few buttons as he braced himself against the wall and jumped to wrap muscular thighs around Minho’s waist. Minho could taste the alcohol in Jinki’s blood, he could feel it affecting him and a small part of his brain was screaming at him that this was no longer a good idea, that this could end very badly. The intoxication of the alcohol mixed with his overwhelming need to claim Jinki took over Minho’s entire body.

The feeling was so strong it hung in the air like thick smoke, suffocating both of them until they surrendered.

Jinki squeezed his eyes shut as he was hit with the empathic feeling of Minho’s desire full force. Tears ran down Jinki’s face as he surrendered to his own feelings and opened up to Minho’s.

God, he’s so beautiful I love this he’s perfect yes shit oh my god right there never felt this I want him so badly I must have him he’s mine MINE

Minho gently licked his tears away and lapped at the blood left on Jinki’s face. Both men audibly moaned as he dove into Jinki’s mouth once more. Jinki sucked in air hard through his nose as Minho grabbed a handful of hair forcing his tongue to dominate Jinki’s entire mouth. Jinki was so hard it was painful as he rut against Minho’s thigh, whimpering in frustration at not being able to get enough friction between his skinny jeans and the wall. Jinki suddenly felt something sharp in his mouth and jerked his head back.


He winced as his skull came in contact with the brick wall behind him. His eyes widened as he took in Minho’s transformed visage. His eyes had turned silver grey and the taller man had fangs where his incisors were supposed to be.

“Oh my God.”

Minho could feel Jinki shake in fear and that instant his heart felt like it was splintering.

“I would never hurt you Jinki.” Minho whispered.

Suddenly a loud clack was heard from from his right, followed by a distinct click heard from Minho’s left. Minho tore his eyes away from Jinki long enough to see that the red-headed slayer had an extremely large gun pointed at his head at point blank range. When Jinki glanced to his right he saw that the bartender had an equally large shotgun pointed at Taemin.

“Let.him.go.” Taemin said with a growl.

He was doing his level best to stay calm and not to panic over the blood smeared across both his cousin and the vamp’s faces. He didn’t even bother to acknowledge the pretty-shifter-shotgun-wielding-bar-owner.

Key hated being ignored.

“Drop it bitch.” Key snarled at Taemin.

“Taemin! My God! Why do you have a gun? Put that down!”

Jinki was confused, high, had more blood in his groin than in his head and was rapidly beginning to doubt his sanity.

“Shut up Jinki.” Jinki gasped as Taemin pressed the barrel right up against Minho’s head.

“Minho.” Key said in a low warning tone.

“Shut up Key.” Minho said as he backed away from Jinki, hands in the air in surrender.

Minho’s gaze shifted back to Jinki and although his irises were still silver, Minho looked upon Jinki with nothing but love and admiration. That’s the only thing that gave Jinki the strength to do what he did next. Faster than Taemin had ever seen Jinki move, Jinki lunged forward, pushed at Minho’s chest so he stumbled back a few steps, spun his back to him and stood between Taemin’s revolver and Key’s shotgun. When Taemin tried to point the gun back at Minho, Jinki moved with him, shaking his head. Key blinked at the movement but didn’t budge.

“Please Taemin….”

“Jinki you don’t understand who he is. What he is.”

“I do.” Jinki said sadly. “I just…”


The last thing Jinki saw before he blacked out was Minho’s worried face hovering over his.

A/N: Thank you so MUCH stjoan4evafor saving me from myself and being an awesome beta bunny! So now everyone knows what Minho is, but Taemin is still the only one who knows what's up with Jinki. Jinki's true identity will be revealed next chapter, and Taemin will be fored to tell Jinki the many secrets he's been keeping. Hope you like! Comments are love! By the way, manually hahving to LJ cut my stuff is a PITA. Anyone find a solution to this problem?
This is what "parkour" is:

image Click to view

And this is Jjong on 4 cups of coffee, 10 Power Bars and 4 Red Bulls:

image Click to view

kaybee38, pairing: jonghyun/key, pairing: minho/onew, !fic: the other side, taemin, #rating: r, taemin's a pimp

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