Aug 02, 2004 16:44
i have never been so exhausted in my life. and whats worse is im dreading tomorrow, because im going to be so unbeleivably sore. i probably should just crawl into bed and then not ever get up.
woke up at seven, ran. it was a short one though. came home, hung around for a while, worked on my scrapbook. alexis called, tom called, and then some other 382 number, but i didnt pick up the phone. im such a bitch. so i took a shower, threw some laundry in, and then realized too late that i had no clothes. so i lazed around in nothing but a towel for a few hours. then i took another shower, just for the hell of it. killed about fifty million spiders in my bathroom. blech. so then i talked to kaci, and we decided that her and her friend kristin (cool girl) would meet me at the plaza. so i finished my laundry, and got dressed and was all ready to leave when i remembered to call my buddy spencer. this was at about noon time. he was SLEEPING. so i just told mason that meghan called and her and kaci were at the plaza if spencer felt like getting up and coming. ok. whatever. so then i get to carriage town, there they are. we call spencer again. mason takes SO LONG waking his ass up that she just hangs up the phone. nice, right? anyway. then we got some icecream (sorry spencer!) and then walked to kacis house. now, this another few miles for fat little meghan, on top of the ones that she just rode on her bike. you would never i practically ATE my deoderant this morning. what do you want? im a sweaty kid. keeps the vampires away. so we get to kacis, i call my mom, and then we have to leave to bring kristin home. well. my bike does not want to fit in the trunk, and i dont want it to fit in the trunk. why? that is such a hassle for kaci and especially her mom who's driving the car. so i rode it home, via the baking highway. on the way, i zoned out a little bit and drifted off to the left. hit the gaurd rail, my handle bar got stuck, so now i have a nice BURN on my leg. i better have a fucking tan. i mean, man, i was on that bike, and in the sun all day. i BETTER have gotten SOME color. and now, now i have to go mow my grandfathers lawn. AND paint a shed. so, more sunshine for me! hu-fucking-ray!
there it is.