My desk is hostile territory.

Feb 13, 2004 10:03

My desk as become, according to my co-workers, a hostile place. *innocent smile* Why ever do they say that? Is it perhaps the pushpin glued to a note on the edge of my desk with the words “Sit Here :)” cheerfully printed on it? Is it possibly Shaun the sheep by the hole puncher with the bright purple “Vicious Killer Guard Sheep” sign in front of it? Or maybe it’s thanks to my Kershaw (not a switchblade I tell you!) knife? (They did ask to see it, and it makes me snicker how everyone gets wide eyed and laughs nervously when that sucker flips open. *sadistic giggle* I adore that knife.) As Kerry tells me, I “have issues”. As long as they realize that.

Right-o, so when PA mentioned school dances, that reminded me of last nights talk with my instructors.Him: You are coming to the dance tomorrow, right?
Me: Nah.
Him: Why not?
Me: Because.
Him: That’s not a reason.
Her: You should dress up more often.
Me: *looks at them funny* Eh.
Her: You look good in a dress.
Me: *bites tongue* Nah.
Him: Come on...
Me: I have plans.
Whoever (At this point I'm not paying attention): What plans?
Me: Plan plans.
It feels like they’re planning to set me up, or just giving lip service, and it’s so very annoying when they try to lay on the guilt trip and/or flattery. Fweh. I just want to spend the night building up my determination then zombifiying in front of the boob tube. I’m not big into V-Day dances anyway. Besides, Grayce and Angela got me thinking, seriously thinking. Thus, yesterday I realized I have all this aggression that needs an outlet. This morning I began to look for an answer to both my concerns. And maybe by this weekend I’ll find one.

Has anyone heard of geoduck (pronounced "gooey-duck")? I’ve seen it at the Asian market, but THIS PICTURE is ^___^ Thanks goes to ivyblossom for pointing it out.

consumer whore, hobbies, linkage

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