What is the first thing you think of the guy in the following example?
There is a man in his mid to late twenties who when he reads a comic with boobs or panty shots - this is not hentai, mind you, just ecchi fanservice -- he gets so turned on that all he can think about is sex, distracting him so much that he can’t read the rest of the comic.
It’s sorta pathetic. I know men and women think differently; we’re supposedly wired differently biologically such that what titillates each gender differs, hence the differences in pornography - and even romance stories -- aimed at men and women. But the example above makes me laugh scornfully. I don’t know how “distracted” he gets, the source didn’t say, but one must be significantly if he’s unable to read the rest of a comic. If it was live action porn or even hentai or he was the stereotypical hormonal teenager I could more reasonably accept being turned on so.
A couple others thought similarly, but maybe we’re being too harsh. Fanservice is, after all, meant to titillate, but I find it more annoying or amusing, depending how it’s used, while yaoi I often find outright hilarious. Maybe that’s why I like it so much; it makes me laugh.