Oct 04, 2005 02:03
So there have been a lot of things going on with a lot of people close to me lately, and its been really hard for me to keep up with all of them and focus on any one. I am sorry I havent had as much time as I would like to put in with each and every one of you, but I will...I promise. One step at a time though. For the record, I cant complain about my life. I had one or two bad days in the past month or two, but overall I cant really complain...I do, but I shouldnt. I mean financially we are fine, not what I would call GREAT or overly secure, but the bills are getting paid, and I am about to get a job I am really excited about. Josh and I have hit our climax as far as fighting goes...we dont so much fight anymore as have arguments that we rank between ridiculously retarded and seriously important, and so far have figured most of them on the retarded end. The ones that have been serious have been either worked out, or compromised upon, or at least discussed in length, and overall things are really good on that front. After watching what so many of my friends, family, and even strangers have gone through lately, I realized that even though things arent going as planned doesnt mean you have to be miserable. I can either LEAVE or choose to find Happiness as I am. I think I will choose the second. The fact is, we are the architects of our happiness. Known this for years...putting it into practice is harder, but if you really put the time and thought into it...it gets easier. So...anyhow. Josh's family is back home...still no electricity but they have a home. Nicky is going through some issues with her dad and his recent choices, but Im not worried about her...she has grown so much lately and has a great head on her shoulders. Remember honey you can call me whenever you want to rant and rave about anything...My mom is trying to convince me to come out there and keep her company while my dad moves, but Logan says he can handle it (hehe gotta love my baby brother) and I think my mom will be fine too, until she moves with my dad in Dec. So my biggest two concerns currently are Lark and my grandmother. Honestly Im more worried about my grandmother. Lark, sweety...I love you, but promise me something...promise me you wont become one of those people who screams the big D when someone is stupid enough to fire you...I dont think you will because you are seriously smarter and much more respectful of yourself then that. The fact of the matter is, no matter how well you do somewhere there are lots of reasons why ppl dont keep you. In this case it was that ever so famous matter of keeping you, til they got caught up on whatever it was they werent telling you was behind, with the promsie of a POSSIBLE future with the company, when in fact they had NO Real thought of keeping you. Dont beat yourself up...such is life. But you are much more than meets the eye and you will bounce back, with a vengence...and should do so here in AUSTIN *GRINS*...but seriously though...lots of love and jobs here. My grandmother lost her job cause they said they couldnt afford to keep her anymore...and at her age its gonna really be tough to get another one, but I pray for her...things will work out. In the meantime she has had time to see lots of family. Anyhow...I will call you tomorrow Larkypooh. If anyone else needs me, to just chat, for some laughs, or to cry or rant...call me...email me...whatever...love you guys...nite