Aug 22, 2005 22:59
Okay, so eat your hearts out! Brad...a so called friend of mine is pissed because I wont do shit with him and I wont be his girl etc. So I told him about Hils accident the other nite...believe it or not hes stooped to the level of an immature 2 yr old...hes 21. So he told ppl that I was shit talking Hil about the wreck and putting things in a conversation that wernt even there! I talked to Jeffry lastnight about it, and he said dont worrie, its just Brad...then I talked to Rachel and she said the same thing, I would rather die then have something that terrible and misconstrued relayed back to hilwhen the girl has already gone thru enough. Brad sat on the phone & told me I have like 8 dif personalities and that im pyscho and im a bitch and a cunt and anything else he could poss think of to piss me off...I told him to "fuck off, die & go to hell...u sorry bastard!" exact words, I wont lie, but I NEVER said that SHIT about her, hes pissed so this is his way of getting back at me for not being his bitch. Tiffany calls and leaves a mess on my cell about me being low & all this other crap so i called her back explained the sit and she just said she doesnt know what to believe because shes been friends with Brad longer and she sees no reason for him to lie to her..okay thanks, did she not hear me?!...BRAD & ARE ARE FIGHTING, BIG TIME!!!!!!!!! This is the Brad i was warned about and Dez was right, bless her heart for putting up with him. Anyway, so thats the new shit thats hit the fan Jeffry put it so nicely tonight....We cant do anything with out someone causing dramam and starting shit! I hav ebeen nothing but ate up about hillry being hurt and for some reason, no one seems to realize this, except Jeffry & Rachel, the only 2 who have taken the time to actually talk to me about it. I hope everyone who starts lies and drama burns in hell for being such assholes. Jenny & Danielle supposedly wanted to kick my ass for this i feel threatend! If they're gona be cowards about it and not take the time to ask the person it supposedly came from then fuck them! And i dont give a shit who tells them that either! At this point Im being honest about my feelings toward these ppl. Not modest! High School Drama, grow up and get a life...seriously! If these ppl knew me personally they would know I would never say that about someone, esp when theyre hurt & in the hospital. I love Hillary to death, like Ive said, and i will never take that back. But I swear if anyone tries to tell her shit then Im seriously gona blow smoke up their ass for it. Hillary is stressed enough and seeing her in the state she was tonight took everything I had not to cry, esp when she was crying...the last thing she needs is ppl tellin her one of her friends doesnt care & was saying shit! Once again, Brad has betrayed me and all I can think about is how hes a PRICK! I'll tell him to his face, but thats being nice about it! So for all of those low lives out there, do us all a favor & if ur gona lie about someone...go find a tall building, climb ur dishonest ass up it...and take a breath...scream the lie and/or rumor then take a running leap off the side of that TALL builing and try not to kill someone when your ass hits the pavement! B/c then not only would u be a backstabbing liar, but a murder as well! im sorry this is mean and nasty, but DO NOT sit there and tell me I said something i didnt or that ur not sure what to believe...we all know better. Hillary is our concern, so stop making drama...lets focus on helping her get better and feel good about herself in the mean time, not bringing her and someone else down. Im letting all of this go and paying attention to what i was in the first place. Once again, pray for Hil to get better fast and stay positive while doing it. Good nite all, thats my peice for the day. PEACE LOVE & ROCK!!! *Mikaya