Oct 15, 2005 20:26
Have I been as angry lately as I have at points in my history? No. I am, however, becoming at least slightly worried about the growth in the list of things which piss me off. Intolerence is bad, but it seems to be becoming more tolerant lately.
Bicyclists are not gods; do not treat them as such. It is a *bad* idea to start stopping when you have the right of way because:
1-it decreases the predictability driver behaviour, which is bad. Making everyone wonder who's turn it is doesn't help.
2-it perpetuates for the less aware cyclists the delusion that it's okay to ignore all traffic safety laws because nobody pays attention anyhow.
Speaking of traffic safety...
Yellow lights are *NOT* "go fast" lights. They are to clear the intersection. I would wish the people who keep on pushing red lights to get their vehicles totalled so they would have some time to spend thinking about "hey, maybe I could have waited that minute" if that wouldn't hurt so many people I hold dear. More importantly, people who I know would consider themselves wronged for doing "what anybody else would do." This leads me to my next irritant
I dislike opinion pieces in papers. I think the part that bothers me the most is the terminology used in such pieces. Call me jaded but if you are going to use grand sweeping statements like "everyone" "all of" and even "most" you had better have some evidence or support, even in an opinion piece. People are entitled to their opinions but I am really quite scared most of them actually believe their opinions carry weight even though they aren't build with any evidence to support them. An untested pile of assumptions is wasted potential.
I dislike it when people try and give the impession they are perfectly self aware; aware of all their drives and ambitions to the point of self-infatuation. Feel free to try and know yoruself and to spend some time trying to sort out issues you might see. Far better to err on the side of caution than walking around blind to your impact on others and theirs on you. However, I am not going to believe you are infallable in your self judgement. Information about yourself provided by others is best used to enhance self-awareness; not to build walls against future information.
I dislike making choices: critical ones especially. There is so much potential in every day; so many jobs, people, places... I believe that any path which one is satisfied with can be thought of as a "right" path; waiting for the perfect one to present itself seems like a bad plan to me. That said, there's rash and there's cowardly. Should one take the most appealing choice at every opportunity, or work towards something. If a goal is to be chosen, what is the appropriate method for selecting it? I digress.
I especially dislike the fact that my complaints about opinion pieces in a livejournal is an opinion piece and thereby self defeating.
Hmm. Now that's out of the way I'm off to a birthday bash. To those who read this rant, thanks for your time... I know that rants are not constructive nor particularily interesting, but I wanted to get this written somewhere.