Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrgh! I had most of a thoughtful post written up Friday when I realized I had to leave to get Kosh and catch the bus. I was hopeful that the autosave function or doing a quick copy before shutting down would have saved it, but no. It's gone. I'll have to try to recreate it.
The first part was about spider love. This show talked about genuine love, and spider love. I think that this is something I have to fight. Groblek does an amazing job of catching me when I'm doing spider love things, and making me actually express myself and let him know what I need.
Then I was listening to this on Talk of the Nation, and I thought it was really thought provoking. think it's an interesting thing to think about. I think in general apps can be amazing tools, but it is important to be aware of why you're using it. I think it is also important to put down all of our devices and get out and experience life.
Then I was reading this I'm pro-choice I totally agree that she should have the right to have the abortion, and do so without being harassed. However, because she self identifies as a college educated reasonably comfortable women with good health insurance, I found myself really annoyed that she didn't appear to use birth control.
I'm troubled by this response in myself. It says to me that this is one of those things that EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE THE RIGHT TO DO, but isn't for me. Which is about the way I managed to think about being gay right up until I came out to myself. What does it say that it is okay, but other. Is that acceptance or tolerance.
I was somewhere in the middle of the last bit when I had to leave Friday.
In New stuff to read and share:
***GREAT FREE BOOK*** get it. Read it. Enjoy it and explore the rest of the universe. This is one of the series Groblek and I really like. The authors aren't local, but we did get to meet them when we got to go to World Con. They're supper lovely people, and you can follow Sharron Lee at the link, and both of them on facebook.
This is one of several good entry points. This is an amazing series! We have all of it, and may be able to lend out books if you get hooked and can't afford to buy them all.
There's a cancer research looking for volunteers. There are chances to participate in Sac and Davis in early April, and elsewhere as well. Let's help science work. General check in:
Judgement has sort of fallen into the back brain. I'm really just not getting my hands around how to address this.
Exercise is going well. I've been adding a bit of dancing into my lunch break in the last week, and I really enjoy the idea of keeping it up. Missed today, but maybe Wednesday (Tuesday's yoga)
I'm underwhelmed by giving up facebook. I'm not having trouble with it, but it seems like I was wasting a lot of time there, and the result hasn't been to get any of that time back. I think my attention span has expanded, and I'm happy with that. I'm probably going to be back after Easter, but not as active.
Giving up sweets. Still going strong. This moved to Lent because it was always meant to be temporary and it gives me a handy frame. I'm looking at limiting myself to one serving of sweets per day once I hit the end of Lent.