30 Day Television Meme - Twenty-Three

Jul 22, 2010 09:14

See the full list of questions here.

Day 23 - Most annoying character

Ever ever ever? Oh god, Elizabeth Weir on Stargate Atlantis. I liked her in season one but she became such an obnoxious character after that. She had no chemistry with the other characters at all, but especially Sheppard, and most of what I remember about season two is that so many episode endings were ruined by the "Weir & Sheppard moral lesson of the week" scenes. You know, the ones where they're talking about some throwaway thing in the last scene of the episodes? They didn't cap off the episodes so much as bring them to a screeching halt. I'm not going to get into what extent the writers had to do with that versus the actress. I'm just talking about the character and the fact that she did not work for me at all post-seaason one.

Also Peter Petrelli from Heroes. Actually, I think I dislike him even more than Weir. Like, I'm completely irrational about my Peter hatred. I was one of the few people who actually liked Heroes after the first season, but that episode in season three where there were two Peters? Almost made me drop the show completely. Just based on the fear that it would happen again. Ugh. Peter, DIAF. It always made me so mad because one of my favorite characters was Nathan Petrelli, and there was almost no Nathan fic to be found that wasn't Nathan/Peter or heavily featured Peter in some way. The only time Peter was anywhere near tolerable for me was in his scenes with Nathan, so when the show pretty much stopped doing those? Not good.

heroes, atlantis, tv, meme

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