30 Day Television Meme - Days Twenty-One and Twenty-Two

Jul 21, 2010 11:29

Haha, no one's reading these because I'm backdating them!

Full list of quetsions here.

Day 21 - Favorite ship

I'm pretty strident on the fact that I don't really ship, at least not in the way I think most people in fandom mean it. I'll read fic of just about anything if it's written well (with a few exceptions, because there are some pairings that I just can't understand why anyone ships), and I'm not particularly attached to any pairing.

That said, my one and only OTP for all time is Mulder/Scully.

Day 22 - Favorite series finale

99.9% of series finales are shit. That's just a fact. Most of the time I can attribute it to the fact that a show got canceled unexpectedly, and the writers had to throw something together at the last minute. So in those cases I can kind of give it a pass. Also, more and more lately, the end of the series isn't always the end of canon. Especially for sci-fi shows it seems there's the chance of movies or comic books to continue the storyline. Stargate SG-1, for example, didn't really have to have a coherent finale because they knew they were getting at least two movies, plus there were spin-offs to bring the characters back in if the writers wanted. But some shows don't have an excuse for their shit endings: X-Files, I'm looking at you. Because they knew from the beginning of season nine that it was going to be their last, so there was no reason not to have a better finale.

I have such mixed feelings about series finales that I can't really name a favorite one, just ones that weren't completely shit. Lost's finale was okay, I thought (even though I know lots of people hated it). I think they did a much better job than The X-Files, anyway, in using their last season to answer a lot of questions. There was a lot of padding in the finale, sure, but I don't think there were masses of questions unanswered. Most of the big stuff got addressed. The finale of Ugly Betty wasn't awful, and was a little more admirable in that it was a show that was unexpectedly canceled (well, I don't know if "unexpectedly" is the right word, because I'm sure they all saw the writing on the wall with the ratings they had, but they didn't go into season four knowing for sure it would be their last).

tv, xfiles, meme

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