Because everyone is dying to know my TV viewing habits

Sep 19, 2009 21:23

The fall TV season is upon us once more, and once more I'll be attempting to watch shows and maybe actually stick with them. We'll see how long that lasts. Anyway, here's something like a schedule:


Heroes: Season Four premieres September 21st at 8:00pm on NBC.
House: Season Six premieres September 21st at 8:00pm on FOX.
The Big Bang Theory: Season Three premieres September 21st at 9:30pm on CBS.

This will be my first time watching The Big Bang Theory live since I never saw it until a couple months ago. Also, notice that Heroes and House are on at the same time. WHY? Why move Heroes to an earlier hour? I'll have to choose which one to watch on Hulu. Also also, is Castle actually any good? Is it worth watching the whole first season to catch up, or should I just not bother?

Um, is Glee any good? I've heard of lot of people talking about it, so I might try to watch the already-aired episodes online somewhere.


Flashforward: Season One premieres on September 24th at 8:00pm on ABC.
Fringe: Season Two premiered on September 17th at 9:00pm on FOX.

I guess I'll at least give Flashforward a try since it seems to be the most hyped new scifi-ish show this year. I still think it looks boring (I have not seen the first 17 minutes of the premiere that are lurking around on the web), but I'll give it a chance. I missed the premiere of Fringe because I never finished watching the first season. If I manage to get through that and like it enough to continue, I'll add Fringe to my regular weekly watching.


Stargate Universe: Season One premieres on October 2nd at 9:00pm on Syfy.
Sanctuary: Season Two premieres on October 9th at 10:00pm on Syfy.

I'm assuming SGU is on at nine even though I can't find that info online anywhere. And Sanctuary is like Fringe in that I have to actually finish the first season and then decide if I like it enough to continue. And of course if there is any point where there's a new episode of Psych on at the same time, you all already know which will take precedence.

And...yeah. That's totally it. It seems like a lot to me. Is it a lot?

self-indulgent spam, tv, science fiction, heroes, fringe, house, psych, sgu

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