Links for the weeks of August 30th-September 12th

Sep 13, 2009 17:53

Two weeks this time because I wasn't on the Internet at all during Dragon*Con.

See every trailer for all the new and returning sci-fi/fantasy shows. Just in case you wanted it all in one place or something.

io9's spoiler-free take on the pilot episode of Stargate Universe. Hmm...don't know. This is still very much wait-and-see for me.

Induced pluripotent stem cells created from fat cells. It's like the story from a few months ago about turning skin cells into stem cells, except this is apparently easier and more efficient.

Early risers crash faster than people who stay up late. So all you morning people can stop acting superior and obnoxious to us late-nighters now, thanks.

Fanfic Recs
Doctor Who
Humans Don't Dream of Gallifreyan Sheep by misscam (PG | Donna, Doctor)
There are these dreams Donna Noble has.
Note: This is just so very nicely written.

It's Not Goodbye If You Don't Say It by laytoncolt (PG | Gus, Shawn | Gen)
When Gus leaves for college, Shawn leaves at the same time. The only difference is that Gus had weeks of long goodbyes and two going away parties, while no one even knew Shawn was leaving until he was gone.
Note: I keep reccing this author, and there's a reason. This is a pre-series fic that's nicely in-character.

Star Trek XI
Captain's Log (Draft) by mint_amaretto (PG-13 | Kirk/McCoy, Spock/Uhura, Sulu/Chekov implied)
Captain's log (draft): As of two standard hours ago the whole crew lost a few decades off their age.
Note: I think this is one everyone and their mother has recced, but whatever. Hilarious crackfic!

Out of the Desert by cards_slash (PG-13 | Bones, Jim, Uhura | Bones/Jim pre-slash)
The Academy drops 100 cadets in the desert for a little survival training; Jim decides he's got a better plan.
Note: Good Academy-era fic that explores Jim's leadership skills.

Stargate Atlantis
Memento Mori by 2ndary_author (Sheppard, Weir)
"Yeah," Sheppard says, "I remember."
Note: It's the very rare fic that can actually make me feel sad that Weir left, and this is one.

science, dr who, recs, atlantis, science fiction, shiny new trek, links, psych, sgu, fantasy

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