Links for the week of August 9th-August 15th

Aug 16, 2009 15:59

Time for some links I collected over the week. I keep meaning to do this more often.


Immortality improves cell reprogramming. Scientists have found that blocking an anti-tumor pathway in adult cells allows the creation of stem-like cells...which isn't surprising, since that's pretty close to what cancer cells are and cells can become cancerous when mutations destroy or block anti-tumor pathways.


SGU will have 30 webisodes. Yep, webisodes. I hate the comparisons to BSG, even when those comparisons have little to do with the content of the show itself. I just...really dislike BSG and I don't want to think that SGU, which is already on shaky ground with me anyway, is going to be in that mold. I wish TPTB would stick to the cracky fun. It's what they're good at.


Using Twitter as a collective mood ring. I like articles about studying Twitter and its uses, because despite what a lot of people think of it, it really seems to have made a name for itself.

2009 Hugo Award winners. Yay for Dr. Horrible winning Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form. Kind of sad Doctor Who's winning streak ended, but now I feel vindicated in my opinion that S4 was kind of crap (that's mostly a joke, by the way; I don't really hold the Hugos in particularly high esteem since much of it is made up of the part of speculative fiction fandom I just really don't identify or agree with most of the time. I still like that Dr. Horrible won).

Fanfic Recs

The Dah-Ling Store-It-Yourself by laytoncolt (Shawn/Lassiter; PG-13)
The bad news is that one of Lassiter's highest profile arrests has just escaped from prison. The worse news is that his best hope of tracking him down is a sleep-deprived Shawn Spencer.
Note: I really dislike the Shawn/Lassiter pairing and it was pretty much by accident that I even read this, but I'm glad I did! It's long and plotty and very in character, and the overt slashy stuff (as in, more than you'd get from the actual show) doesn't come in until the very end.

This Is Not (Real) by jumpfall (Shawn, Lassiter; Gen)
Shawn is grinning at him. "Welcome to limbo, Lassie."
Note: Yay, gen Shawn and Lassiter interaction! So rare and nicely well-done here.

Star Trek XI
too much red on white by crookedvein (McCoy, Kirk; Gen; PG-13)
There was too much blood. It blossomed around his knees in thick crimson swirls, thinning at the edges to a dusky pink as it mixed with the melting ice beneath them.
Note: Very, very sad, but wonderfully written.

Meetings on the Stair by sentientcitizen (Stargate Atlantis/Firefly; PG)
River Tam lurks in stairwells, and Rodney McKay learns to listen.
Note: River Tam and Rodney McKay interaction is one of my fandom buttons, honestly.

science, whedon shows i watch, news, recs, atlantis, science fiction, shiny new trek, links, psych, sgu, fantasy

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