Heroes 3x05 - Angels and Monsters

Oct 13, 2008 22:34

I don't know, Heroes. I just don't know. On the one hand I really like the whole thing with blurring the line between good and bad because it makes the stories and characters more complicated and more interesting. On the other, there's some seriously messed up stuff going down.

What makes me happy and want to keep watching:
1. Sylar just messing with everyone's heads (in a mental way, not in the head-cutting-open way). This is the first time I've ever found Sylar an interesting character.

2. Imaginary!Linderman really being Maury who is working for UnexpectedlyAlive!Arthur Petrelli to set up a rival company. Pinehearst, huh? I'm hoping this means Matt has a much larger role to play this season.

3. Nathan and Tracy running around together trying to find answers. I'd prefer a little closure on Nathan's family, though. Drop them if you must, show (although I wish you wouldn't), but at least give it a throwaway line or something so I can stop wondering why the writers seem to have forgotten their existence.

Things that make me frown and wonder if I should bother:
1. Mohinder being an idiot and turning into a bug. Bored with that storyline now.

2. Peter being crazy in the head. Although I'm totally down with that if it means he'll spend the whole season under sedation in some room deep in Level 5 that we'll never have to see again, but I'm not that lucky.

3. I don't believe for one second that Hiro actually killed Ando. It's not what it seems. Hiro froze time and teleported the real Ando out and replaced him with a...robot Ando or something. But if it is what it seems I'll hate the writers forever.

And everything else is pretty much in the middle. The Bennett storyline alternates between interesting and tedious, so nothing new there. I'm stuck between liking that there aren't a bunch of new characters being dumped on us again and disgruntled that the old characters are so blase about their powers now that the premise has become a lot less interesting. I suppose I can't really have it both ways, though. I rolled my eyes at the whole "we can give synthetic powers" thing, but I loved Nathan's freak-out about being experimented on. Seriously, I think that was my favorite scene of the whole season. But I love almost every scene where Nathan does something other than be tempted by the bad guys.

So yeah. Heroes is weird this season, but it's early yet.

heroes, tv, reviews

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