(no subject)

Sep 30, 2008 14:22

Hey, all. Have a paid account now, for a year. After that I'll decide if it was worth it and whether I should renew. I've had this journal for almost four and half years now, and almost all of my online social activity is centered around LJ, so I figure paying a little for it isn't going to be a waste of money. Also I have 35 icon spaces instead of 30, which, after a little looking around, seems to be because I got Loyalty Userpic slots for buying 12 months. So now I just have to find icons to fill those spots.

Watched Heroes last night. My thoughts are going to be in a big TV-related post I'm probably going to put up this Friday.

Tomorrow is October 1st, which means one month to NaNo! And since I've been feeling a little creatively lethargic lately and depressed about job search stuff (I got another call-back for a position I applied for but no interview set up yet) I'm going to do a little countdown to NaNo thing in this journal where I try to do a little something creative every day. I did something like this last December and it was fun, even though I only make it about halfway through the month before family and holiday stuff took over. So hopefully that'll be a nice little warm-up for NaNo.

heroes, tv, consumerism, nanowrimo

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