Okay, I'm doing this properly now instead of at 2:00 in the morning when I can barely see straight. NaNo is almost here! For other participants: click the graphic below to add me as a NaNo buddy if you want (the link takes you to my author profile).
Also: I have a private LiveJournal that I keep for writing notes and to keep track of critiques I need to do on various writing sites. Except every November it becomes my NaNo LiveJournal so that I don't clutter up this one with NaNo posts. It'll be updated daily with word counts and what I've written that day, all under a friends-lock.
It's at
ahryantah, so if you want to be added, please comment on the public post. I know some of you have me added from previous years; if so you don't have to comment because you're still on that journal's friendslist.