Oct 06, 2007 16:05

So, stuff I watched this week.

- Heroes: What was up with what happened to Ma Petrelli at the end? Also, wtf Claire? That was gross. I was begging her not to start lopping off body parts, but did she listen to me? The toe kind of popping off into the air was funny, though. Did she just leave it there on the floor? That's not going to be a pleasant surprise if someone in her family comes across it unexpectedly. Also, Claire having her car stolen because she didn't lock it was possibly the dumbest move ever.

Sorry, Peter still bores me. The Irish girl has a cute accent, though.

Mohinder and Bennet's plan to get the Haitian back to Bennet was awesome. I'm loving this covert thing those two (now three?) have going on.

Also, the Godsend symbol is part of the logo of Pa Petrelli's law firm? Pa Petrelli had a law firm? Why wasn't Nathan working for them instead of the DA? What happened to the law firm after he died? I don't know why I'm so bothered by this.

Kensei and Hiro continue to rock. That is all.

- Journeyman: I'm glad it seems they're not going to play the angle where his wife doesn't believe him and every episode contains angst about him heading more and more toward losing his family. Well, there will still be some of that there, but it won't be because his wife is all, "You travel in time? You are CRAZY and possibly on DRUGS and I am LEAVING your ass" like she was in the first episode. I'm glad he convinced her pretty much right away.

- House: I like the idea of making the new people compete for the openings on House's team, because it leads to even more outrageous behavior and scenarios, which is pretty much the sole reason I watch this show. I also wish they would drop Wilson and Cuddy occasionally trying to force House to act like a human being and show things like guilt and remorse. It drags down the more entertaining storylines and it's never going to work, anyway. I'm sorry, but I don't watch the show to see House redeemed. Of course, more screentime for Wilson is an excellent thing, so I'm willing to put up with it.

- Pushing Daisies: Others have waxed poetic about this far better than I could, so I'll just say that I found this one completely delightful and entertaining and I plan to keep watching. I also hope it's not too quirky for audiences, because it would be a shame for this one to be canceled before it got a chance to get going. I also hope it proves that things other than police procedurals, medical/lawyer shows, and the occasional Lost or Heroes can actually work with mass audiences. I'm not holding my breath, though.

- Doctor Who: I'd seen the season three finale before, but I watched it again just to see how badly SciFi would cut it. Answer: very badly. But that's expected, since apparently viewers will shrivel up and die if they are denied anything less than four Saturday monster movie commercials per ad break. But I will blame them for the placement of the ad breaks, because what kind of mentally-deficient monkey puts breaks in the middle of dialogue like that? Can't they just wait another thirty seconds and stick the commercials in at a natural break between scenes? This is why Doctor Who is completely unbearable to watch on SciFi. It's not so much the cuts because you won't miss them if you don't know they're supposed to be there. It's the horrible placement of commercial breaks. I know Doctor Who isn't made with commercial breaks in mind, so there aren't mini-cliffhangers scattered throughout at the act breaks like they do with something like Stargate, but there are breaks between scenes that would be far better places to put commercials than in the middle of two characters talking to each other!

- Stargate Atlantis: I feel kind of bad, but I have to say that I'm sort of glad Weir is gone. With so much of this episode focused on her, it reminded me of why I never warmed to the character: she just sucks the energy out of a scene, especially in scenes with her costars. She was very good in her scenes with Oberoth; she actually did come across as strong, as they they keep telling us she should be. But her reactions with the other main characters, especially Sheppard, were pretty much as dull as ever. I don't know if it's the actress (I've not seen her in anything else) or the writing, but you can almost see the scene wilt when she starts talking. I'm sorry, Weir fans. I liked her a lot during season one, but something changed during season two that just really put me off the character, and I've never regained what I felt about her in season one (unlike Sheppard, who I also kind of hated throughout season two but who mostly won me back over during season three).

Rodney's babbling was overdone. I love and adore Rodney and find pretty much everything he does amusing, but there's a limit. Although I am liking that there seems to be more banter between him and Sheppard again this year.

Also, needs more Teyla. Stop sidelining her, writers, please. More Teyla and fewer Replicators would be fantastic, thanks. Sorry, I've just never been a fan of the Replicators, whether the SG-1 or Atlantis versions. So this episode was never going to be a favorite of mine.

I like Sam's new hair. And is Dr. Lee going to be a permanent fixture of the Atlantis staff now, along with Zelenka and Chuck the Technician? Because that would be AWESOME.

WHY does the NaNoWriMo site suck so bad? The site seems to be completely down now, instead of just taking fifteen minutes to access each page. I hope they've just taken it offline to fix their horrible server issues. I know the site is always wonky at the beginning of October, and it's never the fastest site out there, but I seem to recall the really bad problems being fixed after a couple days in previous years, not still going on almost a week after sign-ups started.

Um, Atlantis icon today because I don't use it enough.

heroes, atlantis, dr who, tv, house, nanowrimo, reviews

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