Much needed self-update

Feb 03, 2008 23:08

It's been a while. Quite unexpected, my current life's happenings have somehow taken precedence to this daily goal of introspection and practice. As the French would say, "Ecrire, c'est magnifique et tres importante." Note: Must learn the shortcuts for accent marks while typing.

At-a-glance for January:

>New job as a program assistant for the Global Health Delivery team at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Surrounded by an impressive (and somewhat intimidating- I'll get over that) network of internationally acclaimed professionals and incessant acronym usage, this is a dream come true for me. Despite the intensity, this job is exactly the challenge I was seeking, and with benefits!

>Moved to Belltown for a stint at the "yuppie" life. Current roommate is a perfect match. Personal space respected. Mutual understanding. No drama. I actually feel at peace when I arrive home each evening. Next adventure: seeking less-temporary space with roomie near downtown. We're living the young, urban professional dream in bachelorette style.

>"M I 14: the experiment." Posted an online ad with a good friend to see what happens. Unbelievably, there actually exists a few "normal" people out there. Not surprisingly, the ratio of crazies to seemingly decent males is greatly disporportionate. This has become daily entertainment for me- where do these people come from? The same goes for random messages on FB. Though I have my profile set to "private," the occasional random greeting from a stranger comes my way. Is it true that a picture says it all? Superficiality is the driving force in potential hook-ups? Somehow I'd like to think there's a match out there with both the physical and emotional connection for everyone. Well, at least, I hope for myself.

I digress.

Valentine's Day is right around the corner, and sadly, my partner-in-crime has already given up. Just a date, not a soulmate!

Okay, need to finish this later. I have more stories, but a self-inflicted bedtime.
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