Nov 24, 2003 21:14
I had a dream that I made out with Patrick Hertzke. We had class together and as we were walking out he was majorly flirting with me. We walked back to my place and at some point started making out. The details are fuzzy. Anyway, I want to tell Derek but then again no... Interesting dream, though. I would have done anything for it to be true sophomore year of high school.
I'm coming home tomorrow after my last class. I'm skipping 2 classes on wednesday and I don't care. Yay for going home early!
Derek's family is coming to College Station for Thanksgiving and I'm letting his parents stay at my apartment. Derek's apartment is a pit and there is no reason for them to pay for a hotel. So I'm busy getting things nice for them.
Everwood comes on in an hour. Everwood takes priority over most other things in my life except for Smallville. I could marry that show. The finale of Joe Millionaire II was tonight. They brought back the chick that left on her own earlier on in the season. I've missed a bunch of episodes. Anyway, I wonder who he picked or if he even picked at all tonight? Last season they faked us out and had two finales but didn't say anything about the second one until the first one was almost over. Pissed me off. Let me tell you. Do I watch too much tv? I don't think so.
Jamie called me earlier. she has a 101.7 degree temperature. I hope she gets better.
Winter has struck which means my skin dries out. Sucks to be me. I wish it were jeans and a t-shirt weather all of the time.
I need to air up my tires in a bad way. The front left tire is half of what it should be. Derek is going to buy a tire inflater thing at Walmart tonight because we can't find any working air things at gas stations around town. I washed my car yesterday in the 50 degree weather in capri pants, flip flops, and a zip up sweater. dipping my hand with the car mit on it in that bucket of water over and over...not a pleasant experience. But it's clean now. and it looks damn good. I am a damn good car washer.
I think that's all I have to say. Back to cleaning!