Adrian (
catharz) got to Milan in one piece. Hes doing his LJ entries in the language of the country hes in, so his entries today were in Italian.
Roughly translated, it sounds like he had a seat on the plane from Denver to Frankfurt near the bathroom, so he got no sleep. And the hotel hes staying in charges for Internet, so he only bought an hour, so I wont get to talk to him today. But considering he needs the sleep more than he needs to listen to me babble, thats probably a good thing.
There was some excitement before he flew from Frankfurt to Milan. I guess some guy was travelling to Milan from Tehran via Frankfurt, but he didnt show up for the Milan flight. So they stuck his bags in a metal box with explosives and blew them up. They dont fuck around over in Europe. I dont know if the European airports are actually more secure than US ones, but I know having flown through London Heathrow, it sure *seems* that way. Either that or theyre a bunch of pyros who are quick to blow shit up. Who knows?
Tomorrow, hes onto ... Paris, I think. Oh, and it turns out that the weekend hes in London, he wont get to see his mom and stepdad after all cause he has a meeting or something. Sucks. But at least he got there in relatively one piece.
Anyway, I should go find some breakfast. Ive been up four hours and havent eaten.