Title: "Someday....I'll Return to You"
Genre: Angst, Romance, Fluff
Pairing: YabuHika [Kota x Hikaru]
Rating: PG
Summary: Looking at the scenery below across the street from him, he smiles. Everyone is laughing and smiling. He is glad that everybody has moved on.
Author's Note: 2nd To Last Part of This Drabble Series !!!
He was staying with them for a few days. They noticed how bad his shape was. Kazuya was very sad and Jin looked sad too. Jin always treated him a “daughter” and he knew that Jin didn’t want to see his “daughter” looking like he does.
“Am I a burden…?”
They say he isn’t. They say he needs some time to get well and to get all of his thoughts together.
After many more days he finally gets better and he knows what he must do. He must return to them. He is still very skinny and a little pale but his shine has almost returned back to its fullest.
He knows he should. He knows he will have to one day anyway.
He is thankful Jin otou-san & Kame okaa-san took care of him for this long.
Now it’s time for him to return to his loved one. He wants to be with his family. He doesn’t want to be by himself anymore.
Even though they have no idea that he was basically there the whole time. He feels like everybody is trying to show him that they are doing this for him.
He loves them for doing that. He loves them for telling the press that they miss him and he knows they probably get in trouble by Johnny.
But with Yabu and Ryutaro in the group. They will revolt and argue with him.
Now he is going to return. He is going to ask Kazuya to take him shopping for a new outfit and he wants to look his best for when he return.
For the first time in months….He smiled.