Title: "Someday....I'll Return to You" Part 2
Genre: Angst, Romance, Fluff
Pairing: YabuHika [Kota x Hikaru]
Rating: PG
Summary: Looking at the scenery below across the street from him, he smiles. Everyone is laughing and smiling. He is glad that everybody has moved on.
Author's Note: Requested by
blozzom_zone ---- Apart of my drabble series for Hikaru's 20th birthday :D - Drabble #3 ! Hikaru's P.o.V
He feels like he is getting weaker day by day. His will of not being able to see them again is getting weaker.
He sees them in interviews. He sees them in magazines. He sees how his “kids” have grown up fully. He sees how changed everybody is. He wants to go back. He really does. He just doesn’t know when.
He is afraid of rejection. He thinks that when he goes back they won’t accept him at all. But he needs to remember that is his family. They should accept him no matter what.
One day he finally goes up to them. He goes into the Johnny’s Jimusho and walks around to find that a lot of it looks a little different.
He walks around as a ninja. He doesn’t want anybody seeing him and thinking that he is a stranger because of his looks. Running around and walking silently he runs into somebody not thinking straight.
“Kame okaa-san..?” “Okaa-san..? I am sorry but…”
Kazuya turns around and is shocked with what he sees.
Hikaru was shocked. Kazuya knew who he was. He couldn’t have been that recognizable right..?
“H-Hikaru is that you?” “H-hai” “Where have you been…..? Everybody misses you a lot. Even Jin misses you…”
Jin too?
Hikaru looks at Kazuya’s fingers and notices the marriage ring. So they finally got married. He has missed a lot since he “ran away”
“I-I have to go…I cannot be…here…” He pants and pants somehow out of breath.
“Come with me Hikaru, you don’t look good at all….”
He cannot, he doesn’t want other people to know he is there.
“I cannot…I don’t want people to know I am here….”
“Why Hikaru?”
“Just not now….Someday I will definitely return to them….him…”