Apr 04, 2011 21:14
Sunday Steve and I made an investment in our lawn's future in the form of a lawnmower and a leaf blower. The last thing I want to blow my load on is freaking lawn equipment, but it had to be done. Steve and I have a hand-me-down lawnmower, but it is on its last leg. The thing smoke profusely and gives Steve a headache everytime he uses it. So I saw that Sears was having 25% of their lawnmowers, and even though the rain hasn't stopped yet, our grass has been getting pretty out of control-so we went for it.
We ended up getting a Craftsmen, front wheel drive, self-propelled mower. While we were there I suggested to Steve that we also get a leaf blower. We have a huge tree in our back yard that covered our back yard in leaves this winter and we have a trees and bushes in our front yard that shed leaves like crazy too. He agreed that we needed one, so we picked up a Craftsmen leaf 210 mph leaf blower.
When we got home we set to work on our front lawn. I ended up mowing the front lawn, which is still on the tall side, but looks a lot better than before, and Steve attacked our drive way with the leaf blower. We have a sort of gravel parking area in front of the house and on the side of the yard which was covered with leaves, little weird things that have been falling into the ground fron the trees, and branches. Now those things are all gone, and it looks so much better. Steve loves the damn thing. It really is a lot easier and a lot more efficient than raking. Especially since it is hard to rake gravel. I am a lot happier because our front lawn is looking like less of an embarassment.
One thing I think we need now is some kind of edger. We have a weed wacker thing but I want something that will give our lawn a nice clean edge. We are still in the rainy season for probably another two or three months, so I am not that concerned about picking one up right away but I would like one soon. I also want to buy something to spray weed killer. It is really hard to pull some of these weeds that are growing from the rock bed. We also want to plant some flowers. All we have is green and no color. Steve and I haven't found our green thumbs yet, so we will see how far we get with all the stuff I and Steve want to do. As long as we maintain the lawns I will be plenty happy.