Update on the family stuff

Mar 30, 2011 22:07

My stepdad is back at home.  He came home from the hospital last Thursday and he has been doing a lot better.  He is still home this week and will be home next week as well.  He has been on oxygen and is hoping to stop using it on Friday.  He had pnemonia in both lungs, and it is just taking some time for him to get back on his feet.  I haven't spoken to my mom yet, but when we went to visit them on Saturday she look pretty tired.  I think she went back to work this week too.  I hope that she is doing ok as well.
We are having a "pineapple express" coming through Western Washington, which means a lot of non-stop rain.  It is mostly in the mountains, but we got record snowfall in the mountains this month.  The fallout of all this is rivers flooding, which will probably mean the valley will flood, ending up with me sitting in traffic.  The river isn't supposed to crest until late tomorrow night so I might not be in trouble until Friday.  I really hope that the flooding won't be too bad, but we live in an area notorious for flooding.
Talked to my real dad last night.  I don't talk to him much, and it isn't because we don't get along or anything like that.  I am just not a phone person.  He lives in Nevada, and isn't a computer person, so if we don't get on the phone, then we aren't going to talk.  It was nice to talk to him though, and he hinted that he might come up for a visit.  I really hope that they will come up.  Steve and I haven't had any house guests or anyone really visit us out here in our rural area out here.  Plus I haven't seen my dad in at least 4 years. 
With the weather being the way it is, it doesn't seem like we will be able to do our road trip this weekend.  I hope that we can get around to it one of these weekends,  I would love to go to Astoria again.  We had such a great time when we went last year.  Although I would like to try to go somewhere new.  I think I am getting an idea of where that can be...going to do some research now. :)

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