(no subject)

Aug 14, 2007 23:00

Holy crap, I just realized I haven't updated since before I moved.  Oops.

Well Amy's is interesting and full of children.  She's totally crazy for having another one on the way.  Four is more than enough.  I am thankful for my time here though because now I realize I don't want to have children for a long, long time.  And when I do have them I am not having very many.  Jack's personality is by far the hardest to deal with.  He is always angry, yelling, hitting.  But the hardest thing to deal with is his condescending language.  I am glad I am going on vacation to see Mike and Quianna tomorrow!

I finally secured some health insurance for myself today.  I visited all the public schools again yesterday and they all said their teacher's assistant position were filled , , , ?  Yeah WTF.  I applied in like May and you're going to tell me that now?  So it looks like I will be subbing, if the people at SubCentral ever get back to me about my paperwork.  I guess that means more calls tomorrow.  Subs don't get insurance but it pays well.  And I can just decide not to work one day and just say I can't!  Great!

Also applied to go to Northern Virginia Community College so I can start working on the few supplemental courses I need to apply for the Master's Program at George Mason.  Looks like I will spend the first two years at GMU getting certified to teach and then within the six years after I graduate from that I have to take 15 credits and I will have my master's in elementary ed.  The leg work getting through all this is insane though.  Anyway, I'm taking US History online now and I will worry about civics and science later because I only need a few credits.

I put an application in to South Riding Children's Center since it is just down the street.  It could be my safety net of a job because I think I can get it.  I don't really want to do day care though.  I am over that phase.  Two years working CYC was enough.  I would much rather sub.

I have a lot of my things set up in the basement now.  It's huge down there and I have a ton of extra places to sleep so people need to come visit me for a weekend or something.  Maybe I will try and take pictures and post them.  My dad made a screen to go around my bed for privacy.  I just can't believe how huge it is down there.  Going from one area to another takes awhile.  I start thinking about ten other things while walking around doing another and get all confused!  It is really nice finally having a place big enough to hold all my crap and also have plenty of room to spare.

Well I guess I will try and keep up with this thing more like I promised I would.  I am sure there will be interesting things to talk about after this weekend.
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