Title: Paper Clouds
Author: Me
kawaii_shaii Genre: Romance, angst
Rating: G/PG
Warnings: None
Fandom: alice nine.
Pairing: Tora x Saga
Disclaimer: I own nobody
Beta: Danzo
danzo_radpants Summary: "Who comes up and who goes down, when God comes out to play."
Comment: Hum. This is just something random that I wrote over a period of three days, mostly going along with whatever mood I were in at the time. And a big thank you to Danzo :3 thanks honey XD And, comments are <3
paper clouds.
Who comes up, and who goes down,
When God comes out to play.
Swirling masses of white and black, intertwining with each other: mixing, blending, standing out, fading, disappearing, reappearing, moving along at their own pace. Patches of clear blue being shown off from time to time, only to be covered up moments later by a blanket of grey. Rays of light breaking through every now and again, only to be forced to hide behind a wall of monochrome colours. Water spilling once in a while; tears of the sky that never reached him. Crying for him. With him.
A deep sigh spilled from his dry lips, and he swallowed slowly and sniffed, turning his head away from the window and gazing over at the bed instead. On the bed was him, and gosh, didn't he look cute when he was all cuddled up amongst the bed sheets, on his side and slightly curled up to himself, eyes closed, chest rising and falling softly. A few strands his hair was tickling his nose, his lithe torso exposed, sunlight creeping in and touching his fragile body. He was beautiful, and the one watching him, Tora, well, he couldn't help but find a fond smile playing on his lips as he watched his lover sleeping. He was quite simply breathtaking, and Tora loved him. His delicate flower: Saga.
"Mmnh... T... Tora... To... ra...nh..." Saga mumbled in a faint, sleepy voice, making Tora blink slightly and tilt his head to one side as he came to wonder if his dear Saga was awake, or indeed just speaking in his sleep. He tended to do that sometimes. It was rather adorable, if he said so himself. But apart from curling up tighter, Saga did nor said nothing more, and Tora knew he was still asleep. He smiled. After a moment he couldn't help but to carefully get up from where he sat by the window, moving quietly across the room to the bed where he gently sat down,the smile still on his lips as he shifted so that he was lying down on his side, movements slow and careful so as not to wake Saga. Though his careful attempts were soon proven to be in vain, as Saga let out a small, slightly whining sound and lifted his head a little, eyes opening only a fraction.
"Hey, baby", Tora said in a quiet, soft voice, the smile on his lips turning a bit sheepishly apologetic, his heart automatically beating faster - for more than one reason he figured. But he felt instantly better for disturbing Saga upon seeing that small, lazy smile gracing his lips, and the boy tried to move in a tired, sluggish way. But he soon found himself snuggling up close to Tora. Thin hands going out to grasp weakly onto the material of his shirt, body close, face hidden against his chest, he was breathing quietly and softly, breathing in Tora's comforting scent. Tora didn't take long to let out a quiet sigh of contentment, and he relaxed considerably once he'd put his arms around Saga, pulling him closer and holding him in a protectively affectionate way. Gentle and caring. Loving. Everything felt better when he had his Saga close, because somehow it just felt like everything would somehow be okay. Because Saga was near. And it gave him some sort of strength, but also the knowledge of that when Saga was in his arms, as such, then, well, he was in his arms. And not somewhere else, not left vulnerable and exposed to the big bad world. Because he was there, with him, and safe. And nothing could hurt him, as long as he remained close, in Tora's hold. Although of course, he respected that Saga was old enough by now, surely, to know how to look after himself. Still, it was a nice feeling.
. . .
If he could have stayed like that, with Saga, forever, oh he would have, he would have. But who was he kidding, really? For when he turned his gaze from out of the window, over to the bed, what he saw really, was emptiness. A reminder of the lonely, hollow life that he would continue to live on. If you could possibly call what he now had a life, without Saga that is. Without his precious flower. And as he got up from where he sat by the window, and went over to sit down gently on the edge of the empty bed, it was a smile on his lips. A sad one. Only to turn to a pained frown as he felt a stinging pressure behind his eyes, and soon his vision was gone, blurred over by tears brimming up and spilling over. An instant, uncontrollable reaction. Tora never cried. Now it was all he seemed to do.
Now, when he shifted carefully to lie down he didn't have to worry about disturbing anyone from their sleep, but yet he was always so cautious. And he'd stare at the bed sheets, imagining what Saga would look like nowadays, snuggled up in a mess of blankets, sleeping peacefully. And it hurt to think about, oh it hurt so badly. It made his broken heart ache, made his whole body tremble with the agony that was ripping him apart from the inside out. Made the world that had already fallen to pieces seem like it was somehow falling apart all over again, like he was reliving every excruciating moment all over again, on constant replay. And reaching his arms up to gather up the blankets, he did nothing but hold them to his chest, trying so very desperately to pretend. Tora remained there alone, shattered and crushed, wishing that he could wave a magic wand and bring Saga back to him. Because oh, wouldn't he do anything just to be able to hold him in his arms again. And he sobbed, begging for just another moment with him.
He shouldn't have let him go.
. . .
. . .
. . .
Danzo's continued ending:
Then Reita came in with a machine gun. "Sup, bitch!" he called, brandishing his fire arm wildly. He looked at Tora’s disgruntled form. If looks could kill Reita would be in hell right now.
"Bad timing?" the bassist asked, trying not to freak out and run before Tora grabbed the machine gun and started gunning him down.
Tora nodded.
Reita fled.
A/N: Yes, the ending was Danzo XD I quite like it, actually... Poor Tora, though D; or poor Reita, however you look at it, getting totally shot by a wounded Tiger. Run, Reita, run! But yes, anyway. I hope it's okay. Enjoy 8P