Jan 17, 2010 15:35
Our lives are seriously like that shit you see on TV that you think about and go "That doesn't happen in real life"! Which is ridiculous.
Okay, so you know on TV how people mumble something to themselves and the other person thinks they know what they said but they go "what?" and the other person goes "What? I didn't say anything." That happens.
Or people make smart ass comments and it's completely disregarded and ignored, like it was for some invisible audience to hear.
Or people do things the other people don't know about and it's so coincidental you just want to scream at them or tell them what's going on. Like "C'mon! I wish you would just find out, please!"
Or the storyline! It's so intense, it's a mix between Romeo and Juliet (not just in the obvious way) and Mid Summer Night's Dream.
Or all the intense things people say, all the serious conversations.
Or all the intense things people think, all the secrets they don't tell anyone.
Or the contrast of everyone's personalities and all the diversity.
Or all the crazy side stories!
Or well... how our personalities are just the kind of weird thing you'd see on tv.
Or all the unexpected twists and turns and "who would have thought this would happen.."
Or those heart stopping moments? Those happen.
Or those times that you know you won't forget, and 50 years from now you're going to say "I remember when I was in high school..." you know? those times where you can find the perfect background song and you'd know exactly where it would fade out.
Yeah. that's not all, either. Some pretty epic stuff goes down.
How do I describe it?
No, it's not... some sick action adventure or some happily-ever-after disney movie or some random romantic comedy.
It's... it's its own genre! Where there's EVERYTHING!
best described by 2 words: infinite and indescribable.