Found While Packing: Box of Army Men

Mar 06, 2008 10:58

In addition to Fuzzy Heroes, Inner City Games publishes War PIGs, a pamphlet of combat rules designed to use (the ubiquitous) plastic army men as miniatures. Based on the review on RPGnet, it seems like a solid set of rules, slower and more complex than Fuzzy Heroes, but (I presume) with a more gun-centric design. (FH has three types of ranged weapons: rockets, cannons, and everything else.)

I'll probably order it as soon as I can get over the fact that shipping costs nearly as much as the product itself.

from the RPGnet review:
"The opponent of choice for the playtesting was a nine-year-old with Attention Deficit Disorder. My worthy foe was unmedicated at the time, but stayed mesmerized with play."

gaming, real life, house

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