Dream: Sinster_Dr_X's Finale

May 09, 2008 10:09

Friday, May 9th:

Scooper and sinister_dr_x sat at a square table in a small kitchen. sinister_dr_x had just explained the setup of the last encounter. I held my hands up like pistols and counted my steps into the room in slow motion, illustrating my plan. My left thumb slapped forward as I fired at Scooper's forehead the moment I cleared the doorjamb. Stepping into the room, I fired my right at sinister_dr_x and dove forwards. My left thumb popped back up as the imaginary cylinder rotated another 30 degrees. I aimed at Scooper's chest and fired again, barely squeezing it in before I would fall below the level of the table.

I hung in the air for a few seconds; my action was over, and I wouldn't hit the ground until the next turn. Scooper and sinister_dr_x both smiled at the satisfactory beginning to the combat. I stood up and tried to get out of the way of the next player, but suddenly every surface was covered in two-inch plaster figurines, their paint still drying. A handful of tall, narrow pedestals complicated traffic in the room. A couple inches wide and about a yard long, they looked like shafts of light through colored glass, orange and yellow-green... probably lucite rods. They stood at ridiculous angles—even if their bases were anchored, they shouldn't have been able to support their own weight—and a painted plaster figurine was balanced on the end of each. I gingerly picked my way out of the kitchen, got distracted, and got lost in the apartment.

I followed a short flight of steps down to the small bathroom, which was also the entire basement. Fluorescent light recoiled from walls a lurid hybrid of magenta and orange peel. The door opened onto a normal-looking sink; to the left, a stainless-steel, propane-powered shower/bathtub/toilet/bidet dominated the rest of the room. The bowl of the bidet sat inside the tub, which didn't strike me as particularly sanitary. A ring of tiny blue flames whispered beneath the drain cover.

Returning to the kitchen, I realized that I'd been gone for almost two hours. I sheepishly tried to catch up on what had happened; discoflamingo had played for me, but the fight wasn't over yet.

dream, sam, sinister_dr_x, bathrooms, violent dream, discoflamingo

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