Alyssa has a gig tonightshe's helping Sowah out at a... museum? even she's not sure what it's aboutand I dislike cooking alone. I'm a little afraid of it.
On the other hand, we've moved the TV/Receiver/Xbox, as well as all the DVDs, games, board games, music, and even books to the new place, and I couldn't think of anything else to do.
So, emboldened by the bonus bottle of
Amarula I discovered while cleaning a couple weeks ago, I'm attempting the
dhal recipe that
birdfigment posted a couple weeks ago.
My Amarula told me the dhal would be good with black olives, but I told it to pipe down; we're not meddling with anything until we try it by the book.
I'm simmering right now, so the jury is still out, but let me just pass along a little advice:
That pan you're using? That won't be big enough. Use the other one.