(no subject)

Apr 05, 2013 09:53

* A wild, wild week it was, and over all too soon, but cherished memories of it will remain with me for a long time.
Tagline: Jesus H. Christ! It's Alex F. Vance!

* Part of my new job description involves looking at things like this:
, so essentially I am paid to watch furry erotica. I'm not complaining.

* Toys for boys! I'm now a proud owner of Gargoyle + BlackJack 280. Yay low shit jumps (my other rig is a Razor + Trango 245, and she doesn't see nearly the amount of jumping she should). But who could resist the occasional jump off something 250 ft high? Who, I ask you? WHO?
Nobody, that's who.

* Over and out.
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