I has the powah! .....point.

Apr 22, 2010 20:11

Yesterday I finished up 'Intro to MS Word 2007.' Regular comp teacher still isn't back yet so I still can't challenge tests yet. Frustrating but oh well. Today we were to continue working on our essays and presentations for Health class. I'd written my essay yesterday but forgot about the presentation (or rather, I thought the essay was the presentation) so I decided to fire up MS PowerPoint and have a play. It's the second time I've played with PowerPoint; earlier this week I used it to put together my career presentation. I'd played with OpenOffice Impress so I wasn't totally unfamiliar with the principles. Fun little proggies but very easy to misuse and lordy, haven't I sat through too many bad PowerPoint presentations...

Having finished with Intro to Word, the teacher decided to move me along to Intermediate Word. That was the idea, but she grabbed Intermediate Excel by mistake. What's the proggie that all of the interviewers I've talked to over the past year have wanted? -- right, so I kept that and started digging in. I had no problem with the Basic Review exercises so I could probably challenge for Intro to Excel. I'm up to lesson 4 on the Intermediate Excel so chuggin' right along. I'm allowed to take as many software courses as I can fit into the 6 months so I'm going to push myself.

I wound up adjusting the teachers' office keyboards *chuckle* This occurred when the one saw me typing with my keyboard in my lap. She thought that looked uncomfortable so I called up the U. of Cornell's ergonomics pages and showed her how this is now the recommended position. They have the suggested type of adjustable keyboard trays, but tilted forward at an extreme 45-degree angle, which is murder on the tendons. So after school, I dropped the keyboard trays down and tilted them backwards, until the trays were angled parallel to their thighs and positioned just above them. Both teachers felt an immediate difference so they're going to try the positioning for a day or two and see if it works for them. We only have one set of hands, after all.

Hot day yesterday, got up to +26C, so I went casual with my Bellydancer tank, blingy jeans, copper coin belt and copper shoes, with hair down. Much cooler today, +11C, windy and increasing cloud (it's now raining.) So today, grey turtleneck, black jeans, grey cardigan, black knee boots, tiger-eye necklace.

clothes log, life, college

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