Drabble: In The Garden (Harry Potter)

Jul 12, 2011 22:22

Title: In The Garden
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters/Pairing: Nymphadora Tonks, Andromeda Tonks
Rating/ Warnings: G
Word Count: 226
Summary: After Ted’s death the Tonks women share a quiet moment in his garden.
Author’s Note: Drabble originally inspired by this prompt  at day_by_drabble  but I never got around to posting it.  Now finished and posted as an attempt to kick start my writing muse again :)

On a bright Spring morning Tonks rocked her newborn baby back to sleep looking out at her father’s blooming garden.  Having settled Teddy back in his cot, but no longer feeling sleepy herself, she headed out to enjoy the early morning sunshine.  She sat down on the garden bench, wrapped her dressing gown tightly around her body and lost herself in memories.  As a small girl she would play out in the garden with her dad, loud games of football or Quidditch, full of laughter and rough and tumble.  Her mum would look on disapprovingly as she tore and dirtied her clothes.  She loved her dad so much and missed him intensely.  As tears gathered in her eyes she felt a warm hand on her shoulder.  She looked up to find her mum offering her a mug of tea.

“Thanks.”  She took a sip and wrapped her hands around the warm mug.  Her mum sat down on the bench beside her.  “The garden’s looking lovely.  Dad would be proud.”

Andromeda smiled softly.  “He would.  He loved this garden and spent so much time in it.  I nagged him about it so much sometimes.  It seems so pointless now.”

Tonks rested her head on her mum’s shoulder and Andromeda’s arm came around her.  The two women spent a few moments in silence just gazing at the flowers.

harry potter, tonks, drabble

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