Drabble: At First Sight (Jane Austen)

Apr 11, 2011 22:37

Title: At First Sight
Fandom: Jane Austen - Sense & Sensibility
Characters/ Pairing: Margaret Dashwood
Rating/ Warnings: G
Word Count: 270
Summary:  Margaret enjoys her first trip to London.
Author’s Note:  Requested by mrstater .  Another of the drabbles dedicated to my Nana.  This is a sequel of sorts to this drabble I wrote about Margaret previously.

Margaret Dashwood’s first visit to London was considered a far more successful trip than her sisters’ had been.  For them, London society had brought pain and discomfort, but for Margaret it brought excitement and pleasure.  Escorted by her sister Marianne and Colonel Brandon, Margaret attended assemblies and plays and was introduced to interesting people.  Amongst the Colonel’s acquaintance were Army and Naval Officers who charmed, and were charmed by, the young Miss Dashwood.  She enjoyed dancing with them and hearing tales of their exploits, but none of them captured her romantic interest.  She thought herself above such matters, until one magical night when everything changed.

She was at a ball, just like the many she had attended since arriving in London two weeks earlier, dancing with some of the young officers, when one of them introduced her to a Captain Thomas Johnson.  Her first thoughts were that he was handsome with kind eyes and she gladly accepted his offer of a dance.  When he took her hand to lead her onto the floor she felt a spark at his touch and almost gasped.  His attentions during the dance were pleasing and his conversation was intelligent and witty.  Margaret found herself liking him very much, so much so that she did not dance or converse with anyone else for the remainder of the evening.  She left the ball with a smile on her face and a flutter in her heart.  However she had learnt the lessons of her sisters’ distress and it was only after many weeks of acquaintance and many honest conversations that she allowed to consider herself in love.

margaret dashwood, sense & sensibility, austen, drabble

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