Drabble: Desk Photographs (Harry Potter - Remus/Tonks)

Mar 18, 2012 22:26

Title: Desk Photographs
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters/Pairing: Nymphadora Tonks, references Remus/Tonks
Rating/ Warnings: PG
Word Count: 272
Summary: Tonks finds a way to display a photo of her boyfriend on her Ministry desk.
Author’s Note: Written for International Women’s Day 2012, requested by sspring92 and the prompt photographs.

Desk Photographs

Tonks knew, unlike other girls at the Ministry, she couldn’t proudly display pictures of her boyfriend on her desk. There would be too many questions about how she knew him and what he was to her that she just couldn’t answer so she couldn’t risk it. But, just like all those other girls, she wanted his picture there to help her get through the most tedious of desk-bound days. So being a sneaky kind of Witch she’d transfigured a picture of Remus into what looked like a picture of the Weird Sisters ripped out of a copy of the WME (Wizarding Musical Express). When people thought she was staring into space ogling Kirley’s bare chest, she was really dreamily gazing at Remus. She’d taken the picture whilst he was unaware of her presence and caught him off-guard. He was sitting in his usual chair in the Grimmauld Place Library, shirt half-undone, showing a little flesh, his hair flopping sexily into his eyes as he concentrated on a book with his left hand occasionally drifting up to run his fingers through his fringe. He had a look of intense concentration on his face that Tonks couldn’t help but wish was directed at her. Then the camera caught the moment his gaze shifted and he noticed her watching him from the doorway. The smile that followed had made her drop the camera and run into his arms. The remembrance of the ensuing embrace, when she was the sole focus of his attention, made her smile when work was getting her down. Having that picture, albeit transfigured, on her work desk just made everything brighter.

tonks, meme, drabble, r/t

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