Films and fics

Feb 08, 2008 19:33

So, I went to see Juno this afternoon...

...and I thouroughly enjoyed it, despite sharing the cinema with groups of teenagers who sniggered at inappropriate moments.

It was a poignant, amusing, fun, charming film, all in all.  I really liked how down to earth it felt.  The teenagers looked and dressed like normal teenagers, not supermodels like in so many films that feature American high schools.  Also, in a scene where Juno cries, it looked like real crying; uneven and wet and unnattractive, like real misery.

I guess the big thing that wasn't down to earth was the dialogue.  I thought the script was just amazing.  Many people seem to have had problems with how unrealistic the dialogue was, but I was completely charmed by the wittiness of the speech.  Yeah, it was totally unrealistic, no-one really speaks like that all the time, but personally I like to have a slightly peculiar element within a film that keeps things seperate from reality.

I really liked the soundtrack too, which is something else that reviewers seem to have been unsure of.  I thought the quiet acousticy flavour of it fitted the fim perfectly.

I also liked the slow pace.  The story didn't rush along, there were a lot of scenes of just someone walking or driving or sitting, and not a whole lot happened, but the film never dragged.  In fact, it felt like the perfect length.

All in all, a quiet, witty, whimsical film and I loved it. :)

In other news, I've been reading some great fics recently, so here's a couple of recs.  Both of them featuring Remus, I'm sure you'll be surprised to hear. ;)

1. Five Years by Tala.
In 1983 the Wizarding World was just begining to recover in the aftermath of the first war against Voldermort. It was also the five year reunion for the Hogwarts class of 1978.  G. 1078 words.

This fic is beautifully written and it brought tears to my eyes.

2.  Moons of Deceit by Grace_has_Victory 
Remus Lupin tolerates mischievous friends and lycanthropy, while the prophetic Ariadne MacDougal has a misguided family, and everyone must deal with the Death Eaters. A story of the death of innocence and the renewal of hope during Voldemort’s first war. Part I of “The Moon-Cursers”. PG-13. 79 135 words.

I'm only a few chapters into this fic, but I'm really enjoying it and I've been totally sucked into the story.  It's the first in a series of four, so I've plenty more to look forward to.

What's everyone else been up to?

fanfic, films

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