Read Girl with a Dragon Tattoo. Found it immensely disturbing, and critically compelling. K and I were putting up a bookshelf, and I was holding the shelf with one hand and the book with the other. Incidentally, this annoyed K to a certain degree.
Like I said, horribly, almost vindictively compelling, but it sort of reminded me why I shy away from crime fiction (at least modern crime fiction) - it's like a murder isn't enough. It has to be a serial murder with as many disturbing twists thrown in as possible. It's not enough that you killed someone, but you have to have done it in such a deviant way as to produce nightmares. I have issues enough with visuals getting stuck in my head, and I really don't need the one-up-manship of atrocity that seems to pervade. Are there any really good crime novels where the crime isn't horrific serial murder?
I always feel not only not-Australian at this time of year, but almost anti-Australian, because the idea of celebrating ANZAC day is really disturbing to me. In Canada, we celebrate November 11th: Rememberance or Armistice day. A day of peace. I just can't make myself get behind a day that commemorates a slaughter. I understand the importance to Australia as a culture - Canada had 2 similar battles, one in WW1 called Vimy Ridge, and one in WW2 called Dieppe - but is it something to mark? I dunno. It's hardly a question for me to answer for everyone, just for myself. And I'll continue to mark Rememberance Day.
Trying out my slow cooker for the first time today - Basque Chicken. Will let you know how I go.
366 books catalogued...God, thousands to go. I'm using Readerware, with a barcode scanner. It's a good program, but very limited with Australian ISBNs, particularly genre. From what I can discern, it only uses Angus & Robertson's databases, which just aren't all that complete, especially with genre fiction - and not just the romance that overpowers my collection, but some of my crime, thriller, mystery, fantasy, and science fiction stuff is coming up blank. Also does anyone know when ISBNs became mandatory? I have books from as late as the 1970s (and one from 1993) without ISBNs.
Seem to have some sort of random illness that only springs up on weekends. It's like my body is all 'just get through it!' on weekdays, only to collapse in a heap on weekends. Yesterday, for example? I slept till 11am, then napped again from 2pm to 5pm. In bed again at 10pm. If we were in the tropics, I'd think some sort of sleeping sickness had got me...