Nov 16, 2004 18:00
friday night chris and i drove to athens for a party at his friend staci's apartment. it was a theme costume party. the theme was 'hot for teachers' so all the girls were dressed up like students and a couple of the guys dressed up like teachers. it was great dirty fun. but when in athens, never say the word 'indian' for any reason or in any context. heres the story, its long, but funny:
The party was winding down. it was about 3AM. Staci turned the sterio off to try and get the last few guests to leave. The last few guests happened to be about 4 frat guys. really annoying. we were sitting on the couch and the 4 frat guys started trying to turn the radio back on. they were either too drunk or too stupid to get it back on and started complaining. in the mean time, chris was talking to staci and he said "my Indian friends from work invited us to go to this really authentic Indian restaurant. I really want to go because they would say its the best indian food in atlanta and would know authentic Indian food." next, the four frat guys start arguing with staci about the radio. she told them to leave it off, the guy says "chill out ok? i've been here all night" she said "i don't care, i live here." next another frat boy (who happened to be Indian) walked past the couch, looked at Chris, and said "fucking asshole". Staci thought maybe he was talking to her and asked who he was talking to. he said he was talking to chris. then staci and i started yelling at the guy "what did he do to you?" then the guy started saying that he heard chris talking crap about indians. chris stood up to try and explain that he wasn't trying to offend the guy, but me and staci were yelling at the guy to just leave and his friends were pulling him out saying "don't worry man, he's not worth it. bla bla" so the guys left and we kinda forgot the incident. we watched family guy for an hour or so. then i told chris to go get our stuff out of the car. about 15 minutes later i realized that he had been gone a really long time. i walked outside and the indian guy was there talking to chris in the parking lot. he had stayed for like an hour and a half just waiting for chris to leave the party. i found out from chris later that the guy was hanging around in the shadows and chris approached him to appologize. he explained the story while the guy just listened for a while, then the guy said "well, i'm glad you apologized to me. you see, GSU Indians are different from UGA Indians. UGA Indians get really offended if you mention their nationality. Its a good thing you talked to me, you don't know what you just prevented from happening." It was so dumb. another really dumb thing about the whole story is that this guy looked, talked, and acted just like a regular UGA redneck. He had probably never even been to India unlike Chris's good friends. So, when in athens, be careful what you say. people at UGA aren't like people at GSU. completely different worlds....