Jan 01, 2012 09:36

Didn't do very much last night to celebrate the New Year. Generally I'd much rather do something to celebrate on New Year's Day rather than New Years Eve. The siblings had a party in the house (I'm hoping it doesn't become an annual thing - having worked in a pub, the last thing you want is your house to smell like one) and I went over to R's for the Bells. A friend's dad, knowing our love of Laphroig had given us the last two drams of his bottle of 18 year old. It was lovely - really really smooth and honeyish. A lot of the time I don't think the tasting notes make any sense but I really could smell fresh hay on the nose of this one. Perhaps I shall give up buying chocolate and other sugary things and save up for my own bottle?

I have decided I am going to spend the day being irritatingly perky.

I have a vague idea of what I'll resolve to do this year. Last night I signed up to the Mighty Deerstalker 5k - Himself is doing the 10k. I might have been tempted to do it myself, only I've seen the course and I value the continued support of my ankles thankyou very much. To that end I started running on Boxing Day, and so far I've really enjoyed it. At the moment there is no continuous running - I'm walking 2 minutes, running 1, 6 times. It's not so bad however.

Will post resolutions when I think of them. I hope you all had a nice time last night and have a nice time today!

exercise, drinky-poos, resolutions

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