I said a hip hop, a hibby a hoppy... now what you hear is not a test, I'm rapping to the beat!

Apr 10, 2005 22:13

I'm in a really good mood today! I really enjoy it :) God is so good. Ahh, Church was awesome today. And then I was in a super awesome mood and went to work and it was fantastic. I met the best little kid in the world today! I swear I love children so much. He and his sister and parents went on a hike and he was showing me all his cool things that he got and he was telling me about all the cool things he saw :) And then he gave me one of his rocks that he found and he drew a smiley face on it!! I'm going to carry it around in my purse, it is the cutest thing ever! Ahh! And then Ty and Johnny visited me and they are really fun kids. Ahh and earlier this week I went to my little buddy's day care and I helped her make up a dance for her talent show and she is the cutest thing ever. She had these little friends that wanted to dance too so they learned it too and I went there Wednesday and Thursday and it was just awesome. I love children. Actually, anyone under 7th grade is good. Once they hit 7th grade.... ehh. Not so cute anymore. 6th grade is borderlined... hehe. And then Friday my parents took me to Seattle and we went to the EMP and ate some yummy food in the Seattle Center. This week went by way too fast, but it was really good :) And I got to go to Tristin's baseball game! They lost terribly... but I had fun watching. I'm procrastinating on a psychology paper that was due last Thursday. I was gone so I was like, mehh, I don't need to do it! But now I'm kinda screwed. I don't want to be a psychologist. I think it would be too depressing. I think I want to work with little kids. Who knows what God has in store for me. I fixed my eyebrows a little while ago so that was exciting! They were getting a bit jank... sick yo. And I'm going to crimp my hair tomorrow if I wake up early enough and I'm going to look freaking cute. I'm done with scrubbing it out, I've been doing that far too much lately. OOOH! I went to a show last night and I saw the best band ever. And it was really cool because they are Christian and we talked to them before they went and played and they are really cool! I got the bass player's pick! YEEEAAAAAHHHH!!! It sure was swell. Some kid was hanging out with us and was like, looking in all our purses and was all "You can tell what a girl is like by looking in her purse" .... I was like, "get off me stranger!" He went to Todd Beamer HS though and so I was really excited because they have the best dance team ever so I was like "hmm... maybe I'll get better through osmosis..." OSMOOOOSSISSSS. I love that word. Say it right now! YEAHHH!!!! Hehe such a funny word. :o) I decided that I look the BEST when I wake up. Maybe it's because my vision is all blurred and I'm still delirious kinda... but seriously, when I wake up and look at the mirror, I'm not totally disappointed. I actually sometimes think I even look cute! and that's a huge deal!! Seriously, right now I'm like, "ehh, not so much," but I know when I wake up in the morning I'm going to look in the mirror, laugh, and then be like, "you're a dork, but you're a cute dork..." True story. But then my vision will come back and I'll be like, "dangit, go back to sleep" hehe. Actually I liked how I looked for a while earlier today. I like it when that happens because I usually LOATHE my appearance. I've been running lately. I don't think it's making any difference at all. I'm going to have a tummy and a butt no matter what I do. And my thighs. I can't stand my thighs. I hope running won't make them bigger. I don't get it. No one else in my family has big thighs except me. Jenny likes to say she does, but she's a liar and she and her legs are teeny. And Erika is teeny too. So is my mom!!! WHAT HAPPENED TO ME?! Gahhh. Oh yeah! And junior prom is this weekend! What?!! Where did that come from?! Holy smokes. I'm going with Tristin -of course- and I think we're going with Huber and Tony... and then I think Muriel and Johnny are going with us too... if they do then Ty and whoever he goes with are gonna come with us too. Hehe I love how that happens how groups just get bigger and bigger. It should be a fun evening :) I need to get a dress though... minor details. Woot! I need to put my clothes in the dryer and finish my stinky psychology paper. It's about therapies used and treatments... I think? Who knows. I have the hardest time paying attention in there. And I don't really have friends in there either so that's kinda sad... well, Austin is in there and I sit next to him, but he just talks randomly... and it's never directly toward anyone. He just talks randomly. He's fun though, he's a fun kid :) I got new pants last week and they are cute. I'm gonna wear them tomorrow woo! They are too long, but that's the story of my life. In my life, I've gotten like, 2 or 3 pairs of pants that were the perfect length. And my hemming looks like a 5 year old did it. It's because I don't know how to do it with a sewing machine and I have to do it by hand... :/ Oh well. They are cute. Hmm, I don't really understand myself sometimes. I don't know why I make a big fuss about trying to always lose weight. No one isn't going to like me beacuse I'm not a size 0... and really, in the least conceited way, I don't know of anyone that doesn't like me... there are probably tons of people that can't stand me, but I don't know about them. And that's a-okay with me. I really don't like how people think that you have to be skinny to be pretty. And I'm a hypocrit for saying that because I'm always like, "ahh gotta get skinny now!" and I'm most likely always going to say that. I've probably even typed this stupid idea on an earlier post or something, but yeah... ok hello, I dance everyday, I run almost everyday, I don't eat crap, I'm healthy for the most part... I don't get why I'm this big. Stupid genetics. ::sigh:: That's ok. God likes me just how I am... hahahah and that reminds me of something that's kinda funny but I'm probably the only one that thinks it is... But this is my journal and I get to write whatever pops into my head so I'm going to. ANYWAAAAY, so ok, Tristin and I were hanging out a while back and I was complaining about my butt and he was just like, "Katie, God has a plan for your butt, you just don't understand it yet!" Gahh silly boy. OOH! ERIKA AND MARK GOT A HOUSE!!! I'm so stinking excited for them!! I can't wait to see it and for them to move in! How exciting!! AHH!! They deserve it, their house isn't big enough for the two of them. It's definately going to be a happy thing for them to get out of there. :o) Happy! OSMOSIS!!! YEAH!!! DAngit, it's like, 10.. I need to go write my stupid paper. I HATE PSYCHOLOGY!!! I'm not going to get a major in it for college I decided. I wanted to do that for a long time but that's not my passion. DEFINATELY not my passion. Like, my stupid high school class pisses me off, I can't imagine how outraged I'd be in college with my classes. OOH! I love my teeth! I love taking care of them and knowing that I'm going to have a freaking pretty smile soon! I have an orthodontist appointment next week and they are going to tell me when I get them off!! YAY! YAY! YAY!! I LOVE MY LIFE!!! Hmm, I'm being way random today. That's ok. I like live journaling, it's like I'm talking to someone even though there's no one there. Well, kinda because there's people that read it. But by this point they've probably stopped because nothing here is really important. And it's probably hard to stay focused because I don't have paragraphs. Cressa told me I need paragraphs because she gets confused, but I'm going to defy her and not do it. I wonder if she's reading this hmm.... I love you Cressa. :) I'm cool because I got that bass player's pick. Go Katie Go. I should really go write that paper... dang..... I'm definately not going to bed for quite some time. I think I'm going to make this a cut. It's way too long. I got my nationals film developed. Well, one of them anyway. I'm gonna change up my binder I think. Doot doot doo... well, ok. This was fun. It took me either an hour and a half or a half an hour to write this. What time is 21:31? I can't do the math right now.... is that 9:31? Or 8:31? Well, anyway, now it's 10:10... so that would be 22:10? Or 23:10?! Does 12 mean 24:00? Omgosh I'm never going to join the army because I cannot tell time like that!!!! This is frustrating. I could ask my parents, they know. I'm too lazy to move though right now. Any my left foot is asleep and it would hurt to walk around on it. Seriously though. I just sprayed my dad's cologne on my sweater because 1) it smelled like nothing, 2) my dad's cologne is freaking amazing 3) it's Tristin's sweater and I washed it but didn't want it to smell girly.... is that bad? I think I'm going to get high off of smelling it. I wish you could share this joy I am having right now in the goodness that is my father's cologne... heh heh heh and he has no idea that I put it on!! YES!!! Welp, I gotta write my paper. I quit psychology I'm gonna ask my counselor if I can get out of it. TAKE THAT!!! YES!!! Have a fantastic week! :o)

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