Okay, so because I am susceptible to peer pressure, I have fallen for Nett's wiley suggestion that I start a round robin legacy. The idea appeals to me because, well, frankly, I LOVE playing gen 1 of a legacy, and then get really bored. >.> SO. This seems the obvious solution!
This legacy is going to be a
pixel_trade legacy, and also an
Awesimsauce legacy.
Edit: Okay, guys, since this is apparently such a popular idea, there's not gonna be enough room for everyone who wants to join.
Now, I realise this could potentially be simsecret's new wankfest, but I am going to give the remaining spots to people who I know better, so I know for certain they won't go AWOL on us. If you don't get picked, it's not a personal thing, it's just that I don't know you that well. But believe me when I say this is kinda painful for me, because you guys are all awesome friends to me. :(
I'm adding one extra gen because I actually came up with a decent unofficial idea for it, but I never really understood the point of making a roundrobin more than ten generations, instead of just starting a new one. By the time you get to gen 15, the Sims 4 is gonna be out! :P If you DO want to make your own, there's actually a
community for it, and I think there are almost enough people in the comments to make a whole new one.
Gen 1: Me, blue!
Gen 2:
bondchick_nett, Brown! (We switched the colours numbering, because WE CAN).
Gen 3:
simkittensims, Black!
javabean_dreams, Orange!
brilliantcat, Purple!
jens_sims, Green!
quean_of_swords, Yellow!
kingmike1224, Red!
simsforaranya, Pink!
dragancaor, White!
lauriethemuppet, Neon!
hey_thur_aether, Pastel!
If you're not on the list: You may consider yourself backups. Understudies, if you will. :D I will go back to this post if we get any openings, and will contact the next person on the list. Please don't be mad at me. D:
If you ARE on the list: A few things! If you don't like your colour gen, feel free to switch with a willing partner! If you don't have a required EP for your challenge, let me know and we can probably work things out. This isn't for rule-naziing, it's for fun!
Now, some ground rules: You MUST post your first update within ONE week of receiving the heir from the last gen. From that point, you must update once per week (exceptions will be negotiated on a case by case basis) or the same heir that was sent to you will be sent to the next person on the list. I don't want to be so strict about it, of course I understand that real life can get in the way, but I've seen waaay too many roundrobins die because of one person.
I'll make a post later with further news. :D
Tutorial for extracting sims! Tutorial for extracting sims on a Mac! Generation 11
Colour: Neon
Challenge: ISBI-Style
Because neon is crazy, so is this generation. For this gen, you abide by the rules of the ISBI challenge, which means you can never select or control any sim except the torchholder heir! However, unlike the ISBI, uncontrollable sims do NOT gain a lifestage command. The ONLY time you may control another sim is to make them over, or to plead for the torchholder only's life. And they may only do this once.
ISBI Rules are here. They're the same unless noted.
- Your torchholder must reach their LTW.
- You must not have less than 10 or more than 35 marks on your tallyboard (Pass-outs, self-wettings, etc).
Generation 12
Color: Pastel
Challenge: Baby Shower
Pastel is the color too often used in relation to babies. In this challenge, you must have six or more children. An additional point will be awarded for each heir birthed beyond six.
- Each child must be taught all toddler skills, including the nursery rhyme.
- The heir and heir's spouse must both learn the Parenting skill.
- No nannies, butlers, or any NPC who can watch the children may be utilised (this includes Servos). YOU'RE their parents, after all.