Nov 21, 2010 16:56

“Change UR World” is like a new style. (he wrote “sound” but it seems a bit weird in english). The rhythm for the B-side has a “dong dong dong dong” feeling. A single rhythm. Because we’ve never done this before, I think that it’s a good attempt.

The filming of the video clip was….very tiring (laughs). We spent a long time on it. How it will turn out, honestly speaking, I don’t know too, but for the filming of the dance parts, I felt that it’s been a long time since I’ve danced without making any mistakes.

“Neetman” is in LE2. This song, just like me, has a lazy feeling to it.

The fans can corporate by clapping their hands, or making “yeah yeah” sounds during Live, it will be very high, so please listen to the CD and hope that you will remember the timing while listening to it.

Mouse Peace Live (that happened a while ago) has a comprehensive feeling. If this song is said to be the theme song, then it is. There is the “make this into a CD” feeling. So for the song “Neetman” in this CD, please listen to it for countless times, remember (the song), everyone, from now on do help to create a high atmosphere!

“NEVER X OVER~ [-] IS YOUR PART ~” is written by Koki ne. I've not listened to it yet, it seems like a techno song.

Finally “Change UR World” will be on sale.

Please take note of the release date, this time it’s also released as 3 versions, LE1, LE2 and RE, so please buy one each, and for LE2 that has my solo in it, please buy 2 copies, one for remembrance/keeping.

Like this, it’s not bad to buy all 4 copies right.

hahah yay another short one! :D 
junno's one is megaaaaaa long. 
can't really concentrate, Cambrige (or like what my friends call it, Cambitch) totally killed us with econs. please let the essay be manageable! A levels is getting harder @.@ 
i'll start translating the R-ONE KAT-TUN entries on tue (:
ah btw, when i was scanning through 笑っていいとも! (20101117) that koki and junno went on, 
there was this segment on Q&A, took a screencap and a failed attempt at making subtitles lol
[cr to KAL for the video that i took screencap from]

 guess we're officially the hyphens? :D 

j-web, tatsuya ueda

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